Dryness of the skin

Undoubtedly, dry skin does not look aesthetically pleasing and causes discomfort, creating a feeling of tightness. Dryness of the skin in winter manifests itself most often when the humidity of the air is minimal, and in buildings the heaters work. With this problem it is not only possible to struggle, but also it is necessary, because losing elasticity, the skin is more prone to damage and this leads to the appearance of early wrinkles.

Causes of dry skin

First of all, the dryness of the skin of the hands and other parts of the body is manifested due to insufficient moisture. The second reason leading to this problem is insufficient nutrition of the dermis. And the third reason - the accumulation of keratinized cells on the surface of the skin, which violate the penetration of nourishing and moisturizing agents, because of which the latter do not help with dry skin.

The reasons for the dryness of the skin of the hands of women are often associated with the fact that when doing housework - washing dishes, cleaning does not use special gloves that protect the skin from aggressive components of detergents. Also, the occasional use of hand cream, especially in winter, leads to the fact that uncontaminated skin under the influence of cold temperature loses its elasticity and is weathered.

If the dry skin emerged after the birth, then you need to examine the hormonal background: it may be restored on its own, because the bearing and birth of the child for the organism requires enormous changes that do not occur overnight. Another cause of dry skin after childbirth may be inadequate drinking of water, because during pregnancy, the body accumulated a lot of fluid, and now the body gets rid of it on time, and therefore, its consumption can be increased.

How to get rid of dry skin?

The solution of the problem should be complex: saturate the skin with moisture and fats, not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

  1. We regulate water exchange. First and foremost, you need to check if enough fluid comes into the body every day: so, if there is dryness in the palms of your hands, then most likely, the reason is not at all to ignore the hand cream, especially if the tightness is felt in other parts of the body. Therefore, the first step is to drink from 1 liter of mineral still water a day.
  2. Nutrition of the skin with the help of cosmetics. If you feel dry skin on the outside of your fingers, then you need to pay attention to nourishing and moisturizing cream. They need to be applied several times a day. In order to penetrate deeper into the skin, use a hand scrub daily after the bath and only after that apply the cream. At night it is desirable to use a nourishing, and in the afternoon moisturizing cream.
  3. Solve the problem from the inside: vitamins from dry skin. If the dryness of the skin is observed throughout the body, then you need to think about whether enough vitamins A and E are in the body. They need to be taken in a complex, as they are not easily digested. These vitamins are considered "female", as being kept in normal amounts, they provide elasticity and hydration of the skin, and are also responsible for the beauty of the hair.
  4. Medicinal products. If the dryness of the skin of the hands is accompanied by cracks, then in addition to the above methods, you can use ointment with panthenol or ointment salvage, which accelerate healing.

Folk remedies for dry skin

Before eliminating dry skin of the hands with the help of folk remedies, prepare such ingredients:

In addition, prepare medical gloves and a water tank.

Boil the water and fill it with oatmeal. Then let them brew for 10-15 minutes, then put the hands in a container with flakes and hold them for 10-15 minutes. After that, massage with salt of the brush and apply honey on them for 5 minutes. Wash your hands, grease them with oil and put on gloves for 30 minutes. After that, apply moisturizing cream.

To get rid of the dryness of the skin all over the body, folk medicine suggests taking baths with infusion of chamomile and string.