Survey urography

Survey urography is one of the easiest ways to diagnose diseases of the kidneys and ureters, and let it not be considered highly informative, the overall picture of the disease can be tracked fairly quickly. This is an x-ray examination of the lumbar region without the use of contrast and several projections of the images.

Preparing for a review urography

Preparation for renal urography of kidneys under ideal conditions includes several stages:

  1. Two days before the procedure, the patient should stop using foods that cause increased gas formation in the intestines - cheese, cabbage, potatoes, beans and other legumes, black bread.
  2. On the eve of the renal urography of the kidneys, the last meal is made no later than 16.00. At 18.00 you can drink a glass of yogurt.
  3. Before going to bed or in the morning, the patient takes a laxative and cleanses the intestines.
  4. Immediately before urography, you can eat a piece of white bread.
  5. As with any X-ray study, metal objects need to be removed.

In the case when the diagnosis is required urgently, it is sufficient to observe the last three items.

How is urograph examination performed?

During the study, the patient may be lying down or standing. Depending on the nature of the pathology, urography can last from 30 minutes to one and a half hours. Using the procedure, you can identify the location of the kidneys, especially their attachment, the presence of foreign tissues, large stones and parasites. In rare cases, it is possible to detect an inflammatory process. If a doctor suspects that a more accurate diagnosis will be required, the survey urography may be supplemented by a contrast that is introduced into the vein. This method allows you to track the work of the kidneys and identify the exact location of the stones and inflammation.