Sea-buckthorn - application

This plant grows wild in the Himalayas and Mongolia, Western Europe, southwest Ukraine, Moldova, Asia Minor, Central Asia, Kazakhstan and the Caucasus. Medicinal properties of sea-buckthorn are known throughout the world. For the treatment use decoctions shoots and leaves of this plant.

Ancient Mongolian, Tibetan and Chinese herbalists used fruits and leaves of the plant to treat skin, stomach and joint diseases. Seabuckthorn is appreciated for fragrant, delicious sweet and sour fruit, which contain up to 11% of sugar, succinic, malic, oxalic acid, and also used for making butter. Oil can also be isolated from the seeds of sea-buckthorn.

Beneficial features

Let's look at the benefits of sea-buckthorn berries. Its fruits contain carotene and a large number of vitamins. The vitamin E content is higher than in other well-known medicinal berries. Using sea buckthorn oil, we can protect ourselves from the body's absorption of cholesterol, which will protect you from atherosclerosis. By the content of vitamin K, sea-buckthorn is superior to wild rose, mountain ash, black currant, so it can serve as a hemostatic. The content of vitamin C in sea-buckthorn is about 1294 mg% and does not deteriorate when processing fruits. Flavonoids, contained in its fruits, prevent the occurrence of tumors. Seabuckthorn lowers blood pressure, improves blood circulation and tones. Of the fruits of sea-buckthorn prepare delicious and nutritious juices, jams, jelly, jams, syrups.


Sea buckthorn can bring not only good, but also harm. There are contraindications, if you are sick with acute cholecystitis, suffer from disorders of the gastrointestinal tract or you have problems with the pancreas, then before taking the sea-buckthorn oil consult a doctor. Some people are individually sensitive to sea buckthorn and its products, their use can cause only a harmful effect - a rise in temperature and allergic reactions. Drinks from sea buckthorn berries and berries themselves are contraindicated to people prone to tumor diseases, since it can provoke an increased growth of tumors. Symptoms of individual intolerance: hypersensitivity, acute diseases of the pancreas, gall bladder, liver. Be sure to consider these points!

Use in cosmetology

In cosmetology apply both pulp and sea buckthorn juice, and sea buckthorn oil. The latter include in the composition of creams, masks, shampoos and lotions from sunburn.

Very useful mask from the juice of sea-buckthorn. Dampened in freshly squeezed juice, gauze is squeezed and applied to the face for 20 minutes. The skin must first be cleaned. And after removing the mask, the face is wiped with a dry cotton swab. This procedure is repeated 2 times a week.

It is also possible to use gruel from fruits. The mask moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the face

Sea-buckthorn oil is used to treat dry seborrhea, it is better to use industrial oil. Mix sea-buckthorn oil with cream or vegetable oil in a proportion of 1: 9 and 2 times a week rubbed into the scalp. The course of treatment is from 10 to 15 procedures. With hair loss and baldness, infusion of leaves and fruits of sea-buckthorn is made and applied as a rinse or taken internally.

Peeling with the use of sea-buckthorn is suitable for any type of skin, it is a wonderful facial treatment. Scaly skin areas can be refreshed and clean as follows:

If the lips crack or dry out, you can lubricate them with sea buckthorn oil or use a special lipstick with an extract of sea-buckthorn.

It should be noted that it is used by cosmetics manufacturers not only in moisturizing lipsticks and balms, but also in creams, as an excellent means for combating acne.