Ryazhenka is good and bad

Among all fermented milk products, fermented baked milk is one of the most useful and tasty. It would seem that this drink is special, because it is made from the most ordinary milk?

But many do not even guess what the benefits of ryazhenka are, considering that this product is simply delicious, has an appetizing cream-pink color, a pleasant consistency and a delicate taste. However, this is by no means all the good qualities of ryazhenka.

Benefits of a biker

Since this product is the result of fermentation of melted milk with some acidophilic rods, it has a mass of useful live sour-milk bacteria capable of bringing order to our digestive tract. In addition, lactic acid, which in a drink in plenty, helps to improve appetite, as well as the work of the stomach and kidneys.

The main advantage of fermented baked milk for the body is that while drinking one glass of fermented milk product, we consume 25% of the daily calcium intake, and at the same time about 20% of the daily phosphorus rate. Strengthen immunity , help the work of the stomach and the assimilation of fat-soluble vitamins and beneficial prebiotics.

Ryazhenka is useful for constipation, diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, gall bladder. It is recommended to drink after atherosclerosis, obesity and hypertension. In addition, the fermented milk contains a lot of milk fat, which helps to absorb calcium and, as a result, helps strengthen bones and teeth.

Highlighting the benefits and harm of ryazhenka, I want to say that this product is also actively used in cosmetology. Various masks are made from it to improve hair and skin. It is very good to make baths with fermented milk, it significantly improves skin condition, makes it softer and more tender.

It is especially good to drink fermented baked milk in a hot summer, adding a handful of berries or pieces of fruit to it, or combining the drink with unleavened bread and vegetables. Thanks to its natural tender sweetish taste, the fermented woman does not need sweeteners, unlike kefir or curdled milk. It is very convenient for those who try to limit themselves in sweet yoghurts and cottage cheese.

Possible harm

Unfortunately, in the ryazhenka, apart from the good, there is harm. For example, if you drink a stale drink, you can earn yourself a strong poisoning. You can not combine fermented baked with meat of poultry, fish and foods that contain a lot of protein. The heaviness in the stomach will be waiting for you at best.

Buying such a branded Slavic drink in the store, carefully inspect the package, it should be soft, not swollen or damaged. You can not keep fermented milk for a very long time, since it is a perishable product.

Benefits of a bikini for losing weight

Judging by the useful properties of the product, it can be said with certainty that those who try to lose excess weight, a burger is a very good helper. But we must remember that this product is not low-calorie, for 100 grams of product - 54 units. Therefore, use it during a diet very often it is not necessary, otherwise all efforts will be in vain. For weight loss is useful ryazhenka, low in fat and calories. With her, the body will remove slag and digestion will be improved.

It is best to lose weight with a fermented woman to do unloading days or three-day diets. But you should not forget about fruits and plentiful drink. Also it is worth remembering that from the drunk ryazhenka before going to bed the benefits will be much less than when you drink it in the morning, for example, for a second breakfast. After all, because of the large amount of protein, your body will not rest at night, but try to process and assimilate all the substances in the fermented woman.