Black ashberry - good and bad

As a part of berries of black chokeberry rich content of all microelements necessary for the human body. Another name for berries is aronia or just black ashberry. The main emphasis in the names is on the color of berries. Next is a description of the beneficial properties of black ashberry juice, the benefits and harm of which are well studied by herbalists. There is practically no harm from them. The main thing is not to supersaturate the body with vitamins from nature. Everything is good in moderation.

The ripening period of berries is at the end of September and the beginning of October. Although there are black berries from August.

Chernoblodka, as it is often called in the people, has unique taste qualities. Berry juice is somewhat similar to wine in color. They can be frozen and stored for the winter, making jam out of them. And from fresh juice prepare drugs for home treatment.

What is the use of black ashberry for health?

The berries of black mountain ash are a bit tart and sour-sweet, but quite pleasant. Culture has long been recognized as curative. And it happened in 1962. The fact that there are twice as many vitamins in the black chokeberry as in the currant, says a lot.

In the blackberry there is vitamin P (rutin), which is not produced in our body, but we really need it. It promotes the rejuvenation of the body both internally and externally, and in general, acts positively on immunity .

The main substances that are in the black-cherry:

And this is not a complete list.

The main benefit of chokeberry ashberry is as follows.

  1. Berries reduce the level of cholesterol.
  2. In black ashberry, there is a lot of pectin, and it is useful for the work of the intestine.
  3. Berry juice helps reduce blood pressure and helps fight hypertension.
  4. Also, the juice of berries has a diuretic effect.
  5. Aronia is a part of many diets.
  6. It is recommended that berries be consumed by suffering atherosclerosis .
  7. Chondroplod is an excellent building aid for strengthening vessels.
  8. In addition, it significantly improves the performance of all body systems - cardiac, respiratory, gastrointestinal tract.
  9. Berries contain a lot of potassium, which is good for the work of the heart. In addition, potassium relieves edema.
  10. Black-cherry is recommended to include in the diet for diabetes, when the disease is associated with the defeat of capillaries.
  11. Aronia is a true source of a multivitamin complex from nature. Therefore, the berry is useful for immunity.
  12. Berries help with hypovitaminosis.
  13. The benefits of black fruits can not be overestimated if there are problems with blood coagulability. Therefore, berries are used for bleeding.
  14. Thanks to pectin substances in berries, the body naturally gets rid of excess (heavy metals, radioactive substances). Harmful substances are also neutralized with the help of berries in the body.
  15. In the composition of black ashberry there is such an element as anthocyanin, which is necessary in the fight against oncological diseases.
  16. The organism will be especially grateful for the black-cherry during the off-season.

If you compare the benefits and contraindications of black ashberry, you will see a significant advantage in favor of the first value.

What is still characteristic of the black chokeberry is its ability to lower emotional excitability, imbalance. In berries, there are elements that regulate individual departments in the brain, responsible for such processes as excitation and inhibition. So, who wants to have steel nerves - that's just necessary to include in your diet of black chokeberry.

Are all blackberries useful?

Berries can do more harm than good, if they are unsuccessful or overripe. Spoiled, wrinkled species, rotten berries should be thrown away. Useful berries are large and shiny, and very tough. But before using the fruits of black ashberry, you should learn about the benefits and harm of culture. Although there is little contraindication.

The recommendation is not a black-cherry refers to people who simply do not tolerate the acid contained in berries.

Black chalk is not recommended for those who have blood coagulability, gastritis or low blood pressure.

The benefits or harms of the fruits of the black chokeberry can be judged individually. Berries are more universal in composition. If there are no contraindications, the berries of the aronia may be included in the weekly diet during the ripening season of the culture.