
In Japan , there are many ancient buildings that are of special interest to tourists. One of such structures is the monastery of Khorju-ji in Nara Prefecture - the most ancient wooden structure in Japan.

general information

The full name of the temple complex is Khoryu Gakumont-ji, which in literal translation means "temple of studying prosperous dharma."

Construction of Horyu-ji began in the distant 587 on the orders of Emperor Yomei. It was finished in 607 (after the emperor's death) by Empress Suyko and Prince Shotoku.

Architecture of the construction

The temple complex is conditionally divided into 2 parts: the western part (Sai-in) and the eastern (To-in), making up the single ensemble Khorju-ji. The western part includes:

At 122 m from the buildings of the western part there is a structure called Umedono. It consists of several rooms (main and lecture), a library, a monastic hostel, rooms for eating. The main hall (Dream Hall) of the Horyu-ji temple in the prefecture of Japan Nara is decorated with Buddha statues, and other items related to national treasures are also stored here.

How to get there and when to visit?

The temple of Horyu-ji is located about 12 km from the center of Nara , you can reach it in several ways:

You can visit the church any day of the week (Chorju-ji is open daily, without days off) from 8:00 to 17:00 in the summer and until 16:30 from November to February. The entrance to the temple is paid and is $ 9.

It should be noted that visiting the temple will not cause inconvenience to persons with disabilities, since Khorju-ji is equipped with all the essentials. Also, for convenience, visitors are given brochures from the photo of the Horyu-ji temple complex and the description in different languages.