Sabelnik - tincture for joints

Sabelnik bog - a perennial herbal medicinal plant. In folk medicine, preparations of sabelnik, especially alcoholic tincture of rhizomes, are one of the most popular means used for the treatment of joint diseases.

Useful properties of sabelnik

Sabelnik has anti-inflammatory, blood-restoring, wound-healing, analgesic properties. The intake of tincture inward helps to strengthen immunity and, which is especially valuable in cases of joint diseases, removing excess salts from the body, deposits of which often provoke problems with the musculoskeletal system. In addition, tincture of the saber enhances the action of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The tincture of the saber is used in the treatment of:

Receiving the tincture of the saber inwards

For preventive maintenance tincture take 25-30 drops 2 times a day for a month. In other cases, tincture is taken once a day before eating 1 teaspoon, diluting in a small amount of water. In inflammatory joint diseases and osteochondrosis, the course of treatment lasts for 2 months on average. With gout and salt deposits to obtain a noticeable effect, the duration of taking the tincture is 3 months, with weekly interruptions after each month of treatment.

External application of the tincture of the jointer for joints


A small amount of tincture is applied to the affected joint and rubbed, after which the joint is recommended for some time to wrap. When treating the spine, tincture should be rubbed not in the line of the vertebrae, but in the area around them.


A bandage or linen cloth is moistened in a tincture and wrapped around the affected joint. On top of the superimposed parchment paper or cellophane, and over a warm cloth, for example, a scarf. The compress is left for 3-4 hours or at night.

Ointment for joints with tincture of sabelnik



The components are thoroughly mixed, the prepared ointment is stored in the refrigerator. If the ointment is made on the basis of fat, then it must first be melt in a water bath. Ointment is applied 2-3 times in knocks for rubbing of joints.

How to prepare a tincture for joints?

Tincture of a caster for the treatment of joints can be bought ready, in a drugstore, and made from dry raw materials yourself, at home. A tincture is prepared either from the dry roots of the plant or from a mixture of different parts of the plant.

Recipe # 1



Pre-crushed (pieces 1 cm or less), the roots of the plant are placed in a glass jar and filled with alcohol. Insist in a dark place for 3 weeks, shaking regularly. Ready tincture should be filtered and used as needed.

Recipe # 2



Dry roots and stems of the plant are ground, placed in a glass container and poured with alcohol. The ratio of ingredients is 2: 1 (2 parts of alcohol 1 part of dry raw materials). Insist 25-28 days.

Recipe # 3


Shredded roots fill up to half the right container, then poured up to the top with alcohol and insisted the same way as in the previous case.

It should be noted that tincture on 70% alcohol or moonshine (more than 50%) is more effective. If you prepare a tincture of a saber for joints on vodka, then it is advisable to maintain it for 7-10 days longer than indicated in the instructions.