Sea kale - calorie content

Seaweed, or kelp - a kind of brown algae, which have about 30 species. The composition, benefits and caloric content of sea cabbage primarily depends on the place of growth, the subspecies of algae and the qualitative characteristics of the water in which it was harvested.

On the shelves of shops you can meet sea cabbage in the form of a frozen product, dried and dried, as well as ready-to-eat canned and pickled cabbage. Useful properties of algae in the optimal composition are preserved in fresh-frozen, dry and salty form. Caloric content of salad from sea kale is determined by the method of processing and additional ingredients in the dish. In food, kelp is used both in pure form, and in the composition of various dishes with the addition of vegetables and vegetable oils.

Composition, calories and useful properties of sea kale

The sea cabbage contains a rich composition of nutrients that can enrich our diet and have a beneficial effect on various organs and systems of the body. The combination of an extensive biochemical composition with a low calorie content makes seaweed salads an important component of the dietary intake in the process of losing weight and restoring the vitamin-mineral balance.

Useful properties of sea kale are the high content of bioactive components:

  1. Laminaria includes a wide range of vitamins - known antioxidants vitamins A, C, E, the most important elements of cellular metabolism are B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12), as well as beta-carotene, pantothenic and folic acids, vitamins D and PP.
  2. The mineral complex of sea kale is simply a deposit of macro and microelements necessary for our organism. It contains potassium 970 mg, magnesium 170 mg, calcium 40 mg, silicon 51 mg, zinc 2 mg, vanadium 16 mg, sodium 520 mg, iron 16 mg, iodine 300 μg, phosphorus 50 mg, manganese 0.6 mg. Considering the need of an adult in iodine 150 mg per day, 50 g of sea kale are enough to saturate the body with this important element for the central nervous and endocrine system.
  3. In the kelp contains 20 amino acids, presented as digestible enzymes, which are involved in all metabolic and hormonal processes of the body.
  4. Dietary fibers of sea cabbage improve digestion and peristalsis of the intestine, contribute to its purification and normal functioning.
  5. The biochemical composition of sea kale includes fructose and polysaccharides, including alginates, which have a unique property of binding and removing toxins, radionuclides, heavy metals and excess liquid from the body.

Sea kale for losing weight

Laminaria of all kinds has several advantages, which are actively used in dietary nutrition, as a medical direction, and for getting rid of excess weight. One of the most important aspects is that, at a very low calorie content, sea kale has a rich composition of vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Fresh laminaria has a record low energy value, according to various data, the caloric content of a fresh product ranges from 5 to 15 kcal. When canning and marinating with the addition of salt, spices and other vegetables, this figure can rise to 20-55 kcal. When preparing salads from sea kale, it is necessary to take into account the energy value and the amount of vegetable oil and other ingredients. For example, a salad of sea kale with egg and sunflower oil will have a caloric content of about 100-110 kcal.

Even pickled and canned sea kale with a caloric content of 55 kcal and 122 kcal retains most of its useful properties that are important in losing weight:

These properties of kelp are effectively used for external application in cosmetology and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.