Mistletoe white - medicinal properties and contraindications

Plants-parasites often have a lot of useful qualities because they not only synthesize nutrients themselves, but also absorb them from the host. Such mistletoe is mistletoe white - the medicinal properties and contra-indications of this herb have long been studied and widely used by phytotherapeutists for the treatment of a number of serious diseases, including oncological tumors.

The healing properties of the mistletoe plant are white and its benefits

The valuable qualities of the shrub parasite under consideration are due to its chemical composition:

Apparently, mistletoe refers to poisonous plants, as it contains an impressive amount of toxins and glycosides. However, in small concentrations, these compounds produce positive effects:

Useful properties and contraindications of stems and leaves of white mistletoe

Both conservative and folk medicine mainly use young shoots along with the leaves of this plant. Their value lies in a powerful hypotensive effect, which allows you to quickly normalize blood pressure even in severe stages of hypertension .

Other medicinal properties of mistletoe grass are white:

Also, fresh juice from the leaves and shoots of mistletoe can be used externally for lotions, compresses and rubbing. Similar procedures help with such problems:

Contraindications to oral medication from mistletoe:

Therapeutic properties and contra-indications of mistletoe berries white

The fruits of the shrub are extremely poisonous, so they are forbidden to take inside. But they are great for outdoor use application.

From mistletoe berries it is recommended to make ointments, which effectively relieve pain, inflammation and swelling in various diseases of the joints and muscles. Such medications make you feel better when you break ligaments, damage tendons.

The only contraindication to the fruit of mistletoe is pregnancy. But it is important to remember that the plant in question is very toxic, so it is necessary to strictly adhere to the established dosages, to avoid excessive use of medicines from mistletoe, even with local application.