How to take birth in a cat?

If you are a lucky cat owner and decide to give your pet an opportunity to bring offspring or you want to breed cats of a certain breed, the question of how to take delivery in a cat will necessarily arise. Perhaps you have not figured out how the birth in cats is going, and the time is approaching. For some reasons, you can find out about the soon-expected appearance of offspring in the cat (such signs are registered fairly well, especially in short-haired animals) even if you do not know the exact date of conception and can not calculate the time. Before lambing (in the last days of pregnancy), the cat's behavior changes - it becomes restless. Of course, during this period, the owners should be particularly attentive to their pet and create the necessary conditions for him and even help in some way, if necessary. It is necessary to prepare a place for the birth of a cat. Perhaps, the cat will try to build a nest of improvised materials (papers, soft things) on its own. She can try to build this nest in a wardrobe, so make sure that the closet doors are closed and the animal does not climb into them.

Signs of childbirth in a cat

Closer to the end of pregnancy, you can observe how the cat pulls out the coat on the abdomen. Do not worry, this is normal, in this way the animal prepares free access to its mammary glands to newborn kittens. On examination, approximately one day or 12 hours before the lambing, one can notice a discharge of colostrum from the nipples, as well as the appearance of mucous secretions from the genital organs. A cat during this period may refuse to eat and much more often walk into the tray.

We prepare a place for kittens

Before birth, you need to prepare a cardboard box (wide, but not too high) with a litter of soft natural tissue. Do not use rags from which long threads protrude - the kitten can move the thread on the foot while moving, and blood circulation disorders can lead to the loss of the limb in the future. Also it is not necessary to use cotton wool - the villi can get to the kittens in the respiratory tract. Optimal bedding is soft paper (not newspapers) or old pillow cases. You must invite the animal to settle in the box - for this it is better to put it in the cat's favorite places and, gently stroking or encouraging the tasty ones, put the animal in a box (repeat several times). It is desirable that by the time of birth in the house was quiet, calm and did not create extra fuss and agitation.

How to help the animal?

Pregnancy and birth for a cat - normal physiological processes, in most cases proceeding without any serious deviations. Pregnancy of a cat can last from 50 to 72 days (depending on the physiological characteristics of the animal and the number of kittens). Try to be around the time to be near the animal, especially if it's the first birth of a cat, because domestic cats need your care and support, they are used to it. However, if the cat hides, hisses and demonstrates in every possible way the desire to remain alone, grant it freedom. In all cats, births are about the same, the less thoroughbred the cat, the easier. If the cat is a non-wool breed, take care that the box with the nest is in a warm place, and pick up a blanket, which you can cover the box (not completely, of course) to save heat.

How long does the birth of a cat last?

The appearance of the first kitten can last from several minutes to several hours. A cat can be thirsty during breaks between contractions, so access to a container of water should be free. Okot can last up to one and a half days. Support the cat with gentle careful strokes to calm and facilitate the process. At the slightest complications, it is better to call a veterinarian, although the majority of cats usually easily do without it. Cats may have premature childbirth - usually this is due to trauma or poisoning. In such cases, the assistance of a veterinarian is necessary. Too prolonged lambing is also dangerous for the health of the animal. In cases where the cat can not rest for more than a day, and / or the process causes it suffering, it is necessary to call a veterinarian. It must be watched that after the birth of each of the kittens, the amniotic membrane (the latter) would depart. In the case of non-deviation, an internal infection may develop which can even lead to the death of a cat. Bleeding after birth in a cat is also not the norm. A timely call to a veterinarian will help save the life of your pet and her babies.