How to teach a child to brush his teeth?

Dental hygiene is very important for kids at any age. From the earliest years, they need to be taught the rules of cleaning the teeth, so that in the future oral diseases occur in them as rarely as possible.

As a rule, the first tooth in the baby's mouth appears at the age of 4 to 8 months. Despite this, do not forget that all the children are individual, and it is your son or daughter that this joyful event can happen much later.

Together with the appearance of the first milk tooth, mothers and dads raise the question of the need for cleaning. Of course, such a tiny baby can not yet be taught how to do it on its own, but it's very important to start hygiene of the oral cavity at this age. Get special napkins or silicone brushes-fingertips and every day, in the morning and in the evening, treat them with a single baby tooth.

A little later, about a year, you should buy the first toothbrush for your son or daughter and slowly begin to explain to him how to use it. In this article, we will tell you how to teach a child in 11 months or older to properly brush their teeth themselves, without resorting to the help of their parents.

How to teach a baby to brush his teeth?

To teach a one-year-old child to brush his teeth, take advice such as:

  1. Buy a bright and funny brush for children of the appropriate age, which will be able to interest crumbs. Separately, you can purchase a special holder in the form of an original toy. Some children like to use all the same fingertips themselves. Do not interfere with this, brushing your teeth with this device can be up to 6 years.
  2. Go to the bathroom with the baby every day, at the same time, in the morning and in the evening. So, at a certain hour the crumb will already know what exactly is required of him.
  3. Make this mandatory hygienic procedure fun and exciting. Tell your baby a fairy tale whose main character is a tooth fairy. In addition, to teach children to brush their teeth, you can show them a cartoon, for example, such as "Good Doctor Dentist."
  4. Teach your child by example. Little children at the age of about 1 year old like to imitate their parents in everything, as well as to older brothers and sisters.
  5. Encourage and praise your baby every time he brushes his teeth.
  6. Proper brushing movements and the need for daily oral hygiene is not the only thing you need to teach your child. Also, you should explain to the crumb that it takes at least 2 minutes each time. To do this, you can purchase a special hourglass in the form of a rocket, a dragon or a favorite character, so that the kid knows that it is necessary to clean the teeth until all the sand has spilled out.