Legionnaires' disease

Disease of the respiratory system, flowing like pneumonia, is called the disease of legionnaires not sprosta. This ailment has nothing to do with the soldiers of ancient Rome and the French Foreign Legion, but its history is also quite interesting. However, it is not so important to know the details of the study of this infection, how to be able to fight it. Let's try to combine these two points.

What is the syndrome of legionaries?

Who will come up with the reason to call the Legionnaires' illness an air conditioner? Meanwhile, this infection, related to gram-negative bacteria, spreads through ventilation and air purification systems.

For the first time, Legionella was discovered and described in the US in 1977, when a congress of an organization uniting all former US military, the American Legion, an outbreak of an infectious disease similar to pneumonia. Of the 4,000 people who attended the event, 220 were sick. At the time when doctors discovered the cause of the illness and began to take preventive measures, 18 legionnaires had already passed away. In total, 34 veterans of the war who died at the congress in Philadelphia died of the disease.

Researchers quickly found the pathogen - they were the bacterium Legionella pneumonium, which spread in the air conditioning system.

To date, this causative agent of legionellosis is well studied and there are practically no lethal cases. As the microbe spreads in the aquatic environment at a sufficiently high temperature, it hardly ever occurs in home and office air conditioners. But large institutions, including schools and hospitals, can become a place of distribution of bacteria. Infection occurs from inhaled micro-droplets of water in conditioned air, the ailment develops like pneumonia. Here are the main symptoms of Legionnaires' disease:

After a person inhales infectious microorganisms, they slowly spread to the respiratory organs, especially often - to the lungs. The incubation period is 5-7 days, but there are cases when the legionnaires' disease developed almost immediately. Diagnosis of legionellosis is carried out with the bacteriological analysis of sputum, this allows you to choose the right antibiotic for treatment.

Prevention and treatment of legionellosis

A healthy organism well resists infections, so even when infected with bacteria, they do not affect internal organs and die within a few days. But people with poor health get off so easily will not work. Weak immunity and the elderly age become factors favorable for Legionella's spread over the lungs. Therefore, the prevention of legionellosis primarily involves a general strengthening of the body and a healthy lifestyle. Quitting smoking also significantly increases the chances of a quick recovery.

Recently, infection with Legionnaires' disease through air conditioners has become rare, manufacturers have taken this moment into account and made devices more difficult to access for bacteria. But legionellosis still takes place in the list of popular diseases respiratory organs. The reason for this - a jacuzzi and a spa. A bacterium that lives in an aquatic environment, fell in love with beauty salons and other places of mass recreation. Fortunately, you can get infected only by breathing in droplets of water with spores of microorganisms, so the probability of getting sick is quite low.

The treatment of legionellosis goes according to the standard scheme - the patient is prescribed suitable antibiotics and procedures aimed at clearing the lungs of sputum. Also shown is bed rest and restorative means. As a rule, recovery comes quickly and does not cause complications. Of course, in the event that the patient on time turned to the doctor and did not ignore the recommendations.