Black dots in front of the eyes

Surely, from time to time you notice before your eyes black dots resembling flies, strings or spiders. And when you look, they do not disappear, but swim, always appearing in the field of view. As a rule, black dots in front of the eyes do not cause special discomfort and do not pose a danger, but in some cases may be symptoms of serious eye diseases. To begin with, it is worthwhile to consider why black dots appear before your eyes.

Causes of appearance

The appearance of floating black dots in front of the eyes is caused by a phenomenon called vitreous opacity.

The eye is arranged so that the space between the lens and the retina is filled with a transparent, gel-like substance - this is the vitreous body. Dead cells and decay products are collected exactly in it and eventually form pointlike, opaque regions. The black dots before our eyes, which we see, are actually a shadow from such areas on the lens.

There can be several reasons for such destructive changes.

  1. Age changes.
  2. Vascular diseases.
  3. Metabolic disorders.
  4. Injuries to the eyes or head.
  5. Infectious diseases.

In most cases, the appearance of black dots before the eyes is not a threatening sign, but in some cases it is necessary to start worrying and urgently seek medical attention. So, when not a single black point flies before the eye, but a large number of dots or threads suddenly appear, this may indicate intraocular bleeding. If this symptom is accompanied by a clouding of the field of vision and sudden flashes of light, then it may be a detachment of the retina. In such cases, immediate contact with a doctor may be the only chance to preserve your vision.

In addition, black dots in front of the eyes can be a temporary phenomenon caused by overwork or abrupt jumps in blood pressure. But in this case, black dots are not a separate disease, but only a concomitant symptom that is easily eliminated along with the cause of its appearance. Enough full rest, if the cause is overfatigue, or taking the necessary drugs, if the appearance of points is the result of increased pressure.

Black dots before the eyes - treatment

In the case when the floating black dots in front of the eyes are caused by the turbidity of the vitreous humor, and are not a sign of a more serious disease, this problem does not require special treatment. Laser and surgical methods of treatment in such cases do not apply, because the possible consequences of the operation are much more serious than the mild discomfort that can cause the presence of these points in front of their eyes. In addition, many over time cease to pay attention to them, and some of the points can simply descend and disappear from sight. But, nevertheless, with the appearance of black dots in front of the eyes, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist in order to exclude risk of dystrophy or retinal detachment.

Usually, vitamins and iodine-containing eye drops, vitamins of group B, preparations for improving metabolism are used to treat this phenomenon. In addition, it is recommended to pay attention to the visual regime, try to reduce the burden on the eyes, engage in visual gymnastics and at least once a year to conduct a vision test. But these measures are more prophylactic, and are aimed at preventing the disease from developing. Finally, the problem will not be solved here.

In the event that the appearance of black spots is caused by other factors (hemorrhage, etc.), laser correction or surgery may be required, up to the replacement of the vitreous.