Hood under the tongue

Kapoten tablets are well known to those people who from time to time face high pressure problems. The drug is considered to be one of the most effective, affordable and at the same time relatively safe. It is in a quite affordable price segment. One of the main advantages of Kapoten tablets is that they perfectly suit different categories of patients, including the elderly.

Kapoten tablets - what are they from?

Kapoten is a classy ACE inhibitor. The main active substance of the drug is captopril. It is thanks to him that Kapoten effectively reduces the amount of the angiotensin enzyme in the body - the same substance, because of which the vessels narrow and pressure jumps. With the reduction of angiotensin, the vessels gradually expand, and the patient's condition is normalized.

The action of Kapoten is mainly directed to the central arteries, and the venous channel does not expand at the same time. Tablets from the pressure of Kapoten have a fairly operative effect, but they are also excreted from the body very quickly. Because of this one-time medication is not enough, and patients have to drink several tablets a day.

The main indications for the use of Kapoten can be considered as follows:

In all cases, tablets from hypertension Kapoten is recommended to be taken throughout the course, without interruption and not abandoning the treatment prematurely. Regular reception of tablets favorably affects the body - microcirculation of blood in small vessels is restored, general well-being improves, subsequent attacks are prevented.

How to take high-pressure tablets?

The duration of the treatment course and dosage of Kapoten, firstly, are appointed only by a specialist, and secondly, they are selected individually for each patient. It is best to start treatment with minimal doses (6.25 mg three times a day). If necessary, the dosage gradually increases. The main thing is not to exceed the maximum dose of 150 mg. Regardless of the diagnosis, the medicine is taken orally.

The biggest question is whether to drink Kapoten or lay under the tongue. The choice of method of taking tablets depends on the diagnosis. Most often, doctors recommend to wash down the Kapoten with plenty of water. Moreover, to make the medicine work more effectively, it is recommended to take tablets at the same time every day (and preferably about an hour before meals). In some cases, along with Kapoten, loop diuretic medicines are prescribed.

To lay the Kapoten under the tongue is allowed only in exceptional cases - for example, with an acute attack of arterial hypertension , hypertensive crisis or the risk of its development with a sudden pressure jump. This The method of taking the medicine will contribute to its early impact. Dissolving under the tongue, Kapoten through the mucous will get into the blood and act faster than usual. As practice has shown, with the resolution of the pill, relief occurs within a few minutes after ingestion.

In some cases, patients need to take two tablets under the tongue. This is done with a short break (up to half an hour). In this case, after the first tablet, the pressure should be monitored very carefully.

How to properly take Kapoten under the tongue, should tell the attending physician. Of course, you can not prescribe yourself a drug yourself, and even more so in emergency cases.