Can Suprastin be pregnant?

How much discomfort is caused by allergic reactions, not by hearsay many know. In pharmacies there are a lot of tools that help to cope with this trouble. Sometimes the allergy does not bypass the future mothers, but it is known that in their situation the choice of the drug is particularly responsible. After all, some of them are contraindicated in gestation or have some restrictions of admission. One of the well-known anti-allergy drugs is Suprastin, so it's worth knowing if you can drink it pregnant. Such information will be useful to all future mothers.

Indications for use Suprastin

First you need to find out when this antihistamine is prescribed. The medicine can be in the form of tablets, you can also buy it in the form of a solution for injections. Assign a tool for the following problems:

Dosage should be chosen by the doctor depending on various factors. Usually an adult is prescribed to take 1 tablet during meals 3-4 times a day. In this case, the medicine can not be chewed and must be taken with water. The action will begin in about 15 minutes and will last up to 6 hours.

Reception at pregnancy

To answer the question, can suprastin be pregnant, you need to read the instructions. It states that it is not allowed to use this medicine for future mothers. But it is also reported that there has not been enough research on the use of such drugs in gestation.

If a woman has a testimony, the doctor can offer her a drug, because an allergy can cause serious consequences. Usually, doctors prescribe Suprastin in the 2nd trimester during pregnancy, and in the first and third trimesters try to avoid it, fearing influence on the fetus. In the early and later periods, the use of medication is resorted only if the benefits for women significantly exceed the risks.