Block house by own hands

Abroad, the term "block house" refers to all types of frame construction, which allows you to quickly assemble a building from the blanks. But it so happened that only one kind of building material imitating a wooden beam began to be called a block by house. As a raw material, usually inexpensive coniferous rock is used. The board undergoes heat treatment - deep drying, as a result of which the moisture practically all evaporates, its content is reduced to 15%. After that, the block of houses becomes light, suitable for plating with their own hands, it is resistant to decay, fungus, does not twist with time. In fact, this is a lining made of natural raw materials, which is suitable for the cladding of external and internal walls of the building.

Room decoration block house by own hands

  1. First we carry out preparatory work, installing a vapor barrier.
  2. The material is lapped using aluminum tape.
  3. Prosvetov should not be, it depends on how long your board will last, I would not really like it to quickly rot away from moisture.
  4. Now you need to install a crate, because directly to the walls of our block house can not be attached. Need for work beams and metal staples.
  5. Self-tapping screws are fastened in 1 m steps.
  6. Block house is a lining, which is connected by the principle of "groove-spike", which allows all the installation work to be done quickly and accurately.
  7. The panels are cut into blanks of the desired length using an electric saw or jig saw.
  8. Fortify the block house with their own hands in two ways:
  • We fix the block of houses from the bottom up, paying special attention to the first row. If it is installed crookedly, then the whole wall will go wrong.
  • The cut of the adjacent panel parts is better performed at 30 °, then the place of joining will not be so noticeable.
  • Often when you install a house block with your own hands, the complexity arises when making corners. Panels semicircular without preliminary processing ideally to connect them it is practically impossible. You can cope with this task in the following ways:
  • You can simply insert the processed bar between the panels.

    The second way is more complicated, but the angle turns out to be extremely beautiful:

    Use of decorative masking internal and external corners.

  • The installation of the house unit is finished with its own hands.