The shape of the abdomen and the child's sex

Determination of the sex of the child in the shape of the belly was done by our distant ancestors for many centuries. This method has been preserved and is widely used today. For sure, every pregnant woman feels on her belly the looks of passers-by, friends and acquaintances, and often hears suggestions about the sex of the unborn child.

What does the stomach say?

The fact that the shape of the abdomen and the sex of the child are closely interrelated, our grandmothers still do not doubt. It is believed that if a woman has an acute stomach that resembles a "cucumber" shape, then she will have a boy. The abdomen in this case is directed forward, from the back of the future mother it is possible not to guess its interesting position. If a woman's belly is vague and spherical, then there will be a girl.

Determine the sex of the child over the belly of a pregnant woman, also, the presence or absence of a waist helped. It is believed that the boys leave the waist of their mother in the form in which she was before pregnancy. And girls, in turn, do not leave from Mum's waist and a trace - the stomach is evenly distributed on the sides.

Modern physicians are critical enough to determine the sex of the child in the shape of the abdomen. According to the research, the belly protruding forward indicates that the mother has narrow enough hips and the baby can not comfortably settle in cramped. In the case when the pelvis is pregnant wide, the future child has much more room in the womb, so the stomach becomes vague and spreads on the sides. Therefore, according to experts, it's impossible to know the sex of the belly.

To believe or not to believe the people's signs to determine the sex of a child is a personal matter for a pregnant woman. In addition, every future mother knows that the time will come and everything will fall into place - just determine the sex of the child will be only after childbirth.