Male psychology in love

It would seem that love is a feeling that connects two people. But why are there such concepts as women's and men's psychology in love? Indeed, men and women are so different from the very beginning that this fact gives many author a topic for reflection.

For example, one of the books, "Men from Mars, women - from Venus" contains arguments that representatives of different sexes are directly opposite in character, as inhabitants of different planets. In other words, the psychology of a man in love is radically different from a woman experiencing the same feelings. And it certainly differs from those expectations, which mentally empower women of men. Then why is it believed that if these expectations are not justified, then do not there be any feelings between people?

So, how do men show their love? Let's take a closer look.

Manifestations of love in men

Unfortunately, there are very few representatives of the strong half of humanity in the world who have the courage to openly express their feelings, and even more so, to arrange a romantic surprise for the girl they love. More often women, thanks to their intuition and somewhere in the experience, understand that a man is in love due to some manifestations.

So what is the psychology of a loving man? Well, be careful. In the presence of a girl who evokes affectionate feelings, men change noticeably. Look closer - they become more shy, sometimes even afraid to look at the object of their adoration. And it's all in spite of the fact that by nature they are, for example, chatterboxes and humorists.

In addition, pay attention - talking with your girlfriend, a man often detains her for a long time on her view, which in the male psychology of love is the main signal.

However, do not confuse love in the life of a man with ordinary passion. Feeling a desire that is not backed up by love emotions, representatives of the strong half of humanity on the contrary become more assertive and insolent. This can tell, for example, the pose in which a man sits. Sitting on a chair, he falls apart, legs wide apart. In addition, the man constantly invades the so-called personal space, as if pressing on the girl. In passion there is nothing wrong, but confuse yourself, calling it love, not worth it.

How do men understand love?

Probably, among the girls now there is not one that does not see the American film "The Runaway Bride". However, few people made the right conclusions from it. But there is literally presented an instruction for the conquest of men, as well as almost completely revealed the love psychology of men. The main heroine always thought what a man needed, and then literally became his ideal. And neither of the suitors could not fall in love with her.

There is an expression that says that a man loves a woman not because she is near, but for how he feels next to her. Having found a woman, having won her in his own way, the man calms down. Peace, tenderness (which they understand in their own way), satisfaction from sex - these are some of the main components of male psychology in love. And wise women understand this perfectly and appreciate it, without exhausting themselves or their silly "baba" talk about love and how to show it.

Deviations in the manifestations of love in men

However, this behavior, calm and gentle, is inherent in self-confident men. Often, women can face rampant manifestations of jealousy, as well as with perpetual quibbles and admonitions.

Jealousy is most likely the result of a colossal insecurity, a sense of inferiority. And jealous he never admits this to himself. To correct such a person is very difficult, you either have to reconcile with such "bouts" of jealousy, or to part.

But nagging and constant instructions may be the reason that your chosen one is either an inveterate pedantic or recoups you for his former failed relationship. In this case, if all the other aspects of living together suit you, you should behave intelligently. Gradually develop confidence in your man that you are completely different from his "former", and that you are the one, his only one, and who knows, maybe you will become an ideal couple!