How to make a husband afraid of losing his wife?

If a man is afraid of losing his wife, he is unlikely to look at other women and behave in a boorish manner in the family. How to make a husband afraid to lose his wife, you can learn from the recommendations of family psychologists.

How to make a husband respect and appreciate his wife?

The issue of preserving mutual love and respect in the family is not only for the most ordinary women. Even the most beautiful, successful and talented women can be abandoned by their husbands. It turns out that there are no guarantees of preserving love for many years. However, a woman can take some steps that will make her husband afraid of losing her.

No matter how trite it sounds, men are always afraid of losing extraordinary women, who in every situation remain themselves. The psychology of a woman is arranged in such a way that it almost always adapts to a man, like a liana, which wraps around a strong tree. And over time, her husband starts to annoy him, he ceases to perceive his wife as a person , and, accordingly, to respect and appreciate.

A woman should appreciate herself, but do not bully her nose and give her husband credit. A man must be an indisputable authority, all words of criticism or disagreement can be uttered solely in private. Mutual respect is the second pillar after love, on which the family is kept, and it is the woman who first of all should build it, who decided to find the answer to the question of how to teach her husband to appreciate his wife.

In order to determine the leading factors that a man values, family psychologists advise to look closely at the husband's family. It's no secret that almost always men choose a wife, focusing on their mother. Therefore, they especially appreciate those women who have the same qualities as their mother. And the merits of these can be completely different - from the talent of the oven to appetizing pies and fry delicious cutlets to the ability to understand the drawings and diagrams.

In addition, the respect of men and those women who are well-oriented in primordially male areas. Husband will certainly be proud to tell friends that his wife is driving a car perfectly and together with him "sick" for his favorite football team. However, and overdo it with men's affairs is not necessary - if the wife herself repairs the socket and changes the gasket in the tap, her husband may feel a sense of uselessness.

And psychologists give one universal advice to save male interest: they recommend that a woman stay for a man in some degree inaccessible, mysterious. Representatives of the stronger sex are always hunters, so when the "victim" is caught, they become bored and look around with interest. And if the woman remains elusive, the man will be afraid to lose her and will not let her eyes down from her wife. What other women are there ...

How to make a man make gifts?

All women want to feel loved, and men know this very well. However, they often do not realize that a woman can feel abandoned and lonely without gifts. And in no case can not be considered a desire to receive a gift of self-interest. This is a normal instinct, which originates from those times when a man to keep love and interest of a woman was forced to constantly bring prey to their dwelling. And it is desirable much more abundant, than a male neighbor.

Here are the tips of a psychologist who will tell you how to get a man to make gifts: