Atarax - indications for use

The drug Atarax has spasmolytic, antihistamine, sedative, antiemetic and insignificant analgesic effects on the body.

Forms and composition of the pharmaceutical agent Atarax

Two forms of the drug are produced:

The active substance of the drug - hydroxyzine hydrochloride - has a positive effect on mental capacity, memory and attention. In addition, it helps to relax the muscles, has a beneficial effect on gastric secretion. Among the auxiliary constituents of the drug are colloidal silicon anhydride, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, etc.

Indications for use of Atarax

The main indications for the use of Atarax are:

The drug Atarax is also used in dermatology as an effective antipruritic agent when:

Contraindications to the use of Atarax

To abandon the use of Atarax is necessary in the following situations:

Also with caution should take the medicine Atarax under the following conditions and diseases:

Before using Atarax for treatment of children after 1 year and patients of advanced age, you should always consult a supervising physician. It is undesirable to drink alcohol while taking Atarax.

Methods of application and dose of the drug Atarax

The dose of admission depends on the type of illness and age of the patient.

The standard adult dose is 50 mg in 3 divided doses. In special cases, the dose in an adult patient may be increased, but it should not exceed 300 mg per day. Thus the maximum dose can be appointed only at a finding of the patient in a hospital under condition of constant medical supervision.

With symptomatic itching, children from 1 year a day are prescribed 1-2 mg of the drug per kilogram of weight in 3 doses, adults - 25 mg per day in 3 doses, gradually increasing the dose if necessary to 100 mg per day, dividing it into 4 doses.

For the purpose of premedication, the patient is given one to one hour before surgery 50-200 mg of the drug. Elderly patients are usually given a half dose of medication. A mandatory dose of Atarax is prescribed for moderate and severe forms of renal and hepatic insufficiency.

On average, the duration of Atarax is one month, although in some cases the reception time can be extended.

Attention! The use of alcohol in combination with Atarax causes a decrease in attention and speed of psychomotor reactions, in this connection, in this situation it is necessary to refrain from driving and working with any mechanisms.