Facade fixtures

An important role in creating a harmonious street landscape is played by various lighting. A special role is assigned to the so-called facade luminaires. They not only fulfill their immediate function of lighting , but can also be an interesting element of the facade decoration and is an effective means of architectural illumination of buildings.

Facade street lights

As a rule, the facade lighting is installed to illuminate the darkened areas in the dark. But also with their help it is possible to emphasize interesting architectural features of the building - unique molding, terraces, columns and other elements. For this purpose, it is better to choose special facade luminaires, designed specifically for lighting buildings. But when choosing lamps for facade lighting, please note that they (lamps) should not spoil the appearance of the building - harmoniously combined in size, color, shape, exterior design.

Fixtures for facade illumination can be equipped with special metal halide lamps, which are characterized by a high degree of color rendition. For an economical option, you can recommend conventional fluorescent lamps. But the most reliable, durable and, importantly, economical are facade lamps with light-sensitive lamps.

As a rule, regardless of the type of lamp installed, the facade fixtures have rather small dimensions and a wall mount - so it is easier to mount them unnoticed on the facade . Although, some facade lamps have a very decorative design and serve as an additional element of the decoration of the facade of the building. It should also be noted that the facade fixtures, depending on the direction of illumination, can be either one-sided or two-sided. Depending on the installation position, double-sided lamps direct the flow of light either up and down, or to the sides.