Skin spots

The appearance of spots on the skin can be triggered by a variety of factors: harmless food allergies, stress, fungal infection, serious autoimmune diseases. In each individual case, the character of the eruption has distinctive features: most often it is the color and structure of the spot on the skin.

Fungal infection

When infected with fungus (dermatophytias, trichophytias), the skin appears rough red spots, which usually have an oval shape and clear boundaries. In people, the disease is called deprive. You can get infected with a fungus by contacting sick animals or people (usually children). Some forms of the disease (ringworm or microsporia) also affect the hair - dry spots appear on the scalp, in the place of the focus the hair is covered with a touch of fungal spores and breaks.

Treatment of each of the lichen species is selected individually, which means that if a red stain appears on the skin, it is necessary to go to the dermatologist and remember that folk remedies do not kill the infection, but only "wash" the clinical picture.

Dark spots on the skin

Hyperpigmentation is a site of local accumulation of melanin (a pigment that protects the skin from ultraviolet rays). Therefore, most of all dark spots on the skin appear after sunbathing. Predisposition to hyperpigmentation is often inherited, as well as caused by the action of chemicals, for example - salicylic acid, which is used against acne. After the cancellation of the preparations, the hyperpigmentation usually passes.

With age, women develop so-called senile spots on the skin (lentigo), covering mainly the hands and shoulders. To get rid of this cosmetic defect, special brightening agents are available. Lentigo usually does not harm health.

White spots on the skin

There are several diseases, a symptom of which is a white spot (spots) on the skin.

  1. Vitiligo - a violation of pigmentation, in which the skin appears areas that are not colored by melanin. Similar stains with time can become more - the skin on them does not sunbathe, but remains white. Predisposition to vitiligo is often inherited, and the disorder can be triggered by an autoimmune process or the action of chemicals.
  2. Multi-colored or pityriasis lichen is a fungal infection, which is often called a "sun fungus". The disease is accompanied by white, yellow and brown spots on the skin that peel off if they are scratched. Usually, itching does not occur with multi-colored desquamation. Fungus mainly affects the folds of the body.
  3. Secondary syphilis - spots on the skin around the neck and chest can be symptoms of one of the stages of syphilis.

Black spots on the skin

Hyperpigmentation in the form of black spots on the skin can be a reaction to:

Often black pigmented spots on the skin are the first sign of polycystic ovary or diabetes. Predisposed to a similar hyperpigmentation of a woman with excess weight.

Other reasons:

Spots on the skin in the groin

Pink, the size of a coin spots on the skin, located in the groin and folds of the skin near the buttocks - a sign of inguinal fungus. It is transmitted by using public baths, showers, since the causative agent of the infection "loves" a moist environment. The disease is treated with antifungal drugs for about 2 months. Men suffer from inguinal fungus more often than women.