Bonus staffing

People like to work for a salary, many feel there is some stability in it. Whatever one may say, employment is not in itself of such a quality as stability. Because an employee can be cut, dismissed, replaced by another person. There is little in which there is stability, and even more so in work.

But it's about more pleasant things, such as premium. In many organizations, in addition to salary, there is a bonus system. Bonus staffing process is pleasant and meaningful. At the heart of the award is material incentive. Very few people will refuse to receive a cash bonus to their salary. The opportunity to get a bonus acts as a motive for more effective work. In the latter, every employer is interested.

To whom and for what?

Employee bonuses are paid in different ways, most often at the discretion of superiors. The bonuses for employees differ in their multivariance. Everything depends on the specifics of the activities of the employee and the organization as a whole.

Thus, the criterion for awarding employees can be the achievement of a financial plan. In this case, by the end of the month each employee will receive a bonus. The size of the premium can depend on the salary, in percentage terms, for example.

A slightly different way of calculating premiums is possible. For each department, a specific plan is drawn up (the number of contracts concluded, a certain amount of sales, etc.) and, if it is achieved, the employee of this unit will receive a bonus. Either in equal shares, or, again, depending on the salary.

A modest material bonus can be obtained by an employee who is of value to the organization, but has not yet adequately disclosed his creativity. To inspire such an employee, the authorities can reward him with a modest but pleasant monetary bonus. Here the main thing is not to overdo it so that for an employee receiving such a bonus (without special merit) is not included in the system. It is better rarely, but aptly.

Are you okay with the documents? ..

If we talk about documentary evidence of bonuses to employees, then in each organization a certain set of documents should be drawn up. Regulations on bonuses to employees, as a rule, include the terms of payment of bonuses, the amount of these payments, the conditions under which the employee may be deprived of the premium. This document is most often developed by an accountant. Ideally, after the decision to reward employees, an award order must be drafted, which is signed by the chief executive or the director. The order officially confirms to whom and in what amount the bonus is added, as well as the terms of its payments (not always).

Deprivation of a bonus employee, if there is a need in such a thing, should be justified. The reason for refusing the award should not be the personal dislike of the leader to the employee or some personal insults. It is possible to deprive the premium for dishonest performance of work, irresponsible and disparaging attitude towards one's duties. The employee must know for what kind of a fault he was deprived of the prize, even if he does not agree with this, which also happens.

The employees should be rewarded basing on the principle of fairness and objectivity. If a person tried, did his job "perfectly", coped with his duties, then he honestly deserved his reward. The fact that his works did not go unnoticed, further motivates him to work productively. Every work should be rewarded, such is the law.