How to become a rich woman?

Many women want the image of a rich and independent woman to be permanent for them, but how to become and live the life you are dreaming about, you need to talk in more detail.

How to become richer?

Becomes richer is necessary, first of all, in the personal consciousness . And in order to find a dream life, bathing in wealth and luxury, you need to work daily on the progress of your thoughts:

  1. It's not enough to say in front of a mirror: "I want to become rich and successful," it is important to learn to notice the prosperity in many things that surrounds you, even in moments of life's difficulties. Remember the famous phrase uttered by American writers who became financially secure precisely because of their personal worldview. "When life throws up lemons for you, boldly create lemonade from them." That's it it is hidden one of the main secrets of life, which has always dreamed of. Therefore, try to notice only the abundance of everything. You have money, but they are in the form of small things. Only crumbs on the dining table? - No, you have food - a lot of crumbs.
  2. Decide on the specific amount that you always want to see on your plastic card. Do you know how much you need for a full life? Look for the golden mean: plan an amount that exceeds the constant income by 8-15 times.
  3. How to become a rich girl with a poor personal budget? The answer is simple: learn to be grateful. Notice the positive aspects of life. So, are not you happy that your house has been bypassed by a storm or is it not worth saying "thank you" to life that those you love close to? By developing positive thinking, you let the success into your own life.
  4. In his book "Think and Grow Rich", which tells of attracting cash flow, Napoleon Hill strongly recommends. making statements that attract finance to you, regularly repeat them, for example, in the morning or before bedtime.
  5. Try on the image of a financially secured woman. Just close your eyes, imagine how your dream came true. Feel the joy of acquiring. Do you want a new car? Then boldly visualize how to sit behind the wheel, feel the fragrance of the new cabin, comfortable sitting. Introducing yourself to the one you want to see after a while, give this visualization daily about 15 minutes.
  6. Bringing motivation , controlling your own thoughts and not stopping at self-improvement, you are able to achieve what you want.