Beef stew

It is always convenient to have a tin can at hand, because with its help you can make a tasty variety of different dishes, for example boiled potatoes , pasta, buckwheat, or a simple scrambled eggs. Stew can also be used as a quick-fill for cakes, or even topping for pizza. Unfortunately, despite the relatively high cost, it is not necessary to be sure of the quality of the tinned stew, it is better to replace the purchase option with a home one. How to cook beef stew from the recipes in this article.

Recipe for homemade beef stew



Before you cook the beef stew, meat, it is advisable to take a pod for a recipe, rinse and dry with a kitchen towel. We cut the meat into large pieces and put it in a brazier, or other thick-walled dishes. The quality of the dishes in this case is important, because it is thanks to good dishes that the future stew can turn out fragrant and delicate.

We add 2-3 tablespoons of water to the brazier and cover it with a lid. On a low heat the meat should be cooked for about 2 hours. Periodically check that the meat is in the broth, but do not open the lid too often. After 2 hours, beef should be properly seasoned, pepper, a couple of laurel leaves and thyme (if desired). Again, cover the stew with a lid and leave for 6 hours. Do not open the brazier, let the beef completely cool down and then pour on the jars.

Similarly, you can prepare and beef stew in the multivark. Put the meat and spices in a bowl and put the "Quenching" mode for 5-6 hours.

Beef stew in the oven



Beef cut into cubes of 2-3 cm, put into a plate and season with salt and pepper to taste. Add to the meat bay leaf and crushed garlic, cover the capacity of food film and leave in the fridge to marinate for 5-6 hours.

After the time has passed, we put the meat in the dishes for the oven. We fill the beef with vegetable oil so that it is completely covered, after which we cover the future stew with parchment paper soaked in water. Close the container with a lid or foil and put in the oven.

Stew will be cooked for 3 hours at 130 degrees, after which it should be completely cooled and then used for cooking, or poured over sterile jars.

Beef stew in an autoclave



Beef cut into cubes 3-4 cm. Onions and carrots are also cut into large rings, if, of course, you want them to be in your stew.

Banks for stewing on 1 liter of mine and sterilized. At the bottom of each bank we put 3-4 leaves of the laurel, a couple of peas of black and fragrant pepper. Now we put meat in the jars, it should not fit tightly. Now on top of each jar we pour a teaspoon of salt and roll the jars with a lid.

We place the cans in an autoclave and fill the unit itself with water so as to cover all the cans. Close the lid of the device and evacuate the air until the pressure in the chamber reaches 1.5 bar, after which the autoclave is put on the fire and wait until the pressure rises to 4 bar. We cook the stew at a constant pressure of 4 bars for about 4-5 hours, after which we extinguish the fire and let the water in the device cool completely without opening the lid.