How to cook a royal cheesecake?

The royal cheesecake is prepared absolutely not difficult, but the taste turns out to be simply divine. Try to implement the proposed recipes in your kitchen, and you will certainly be satisfied with the result.

How to bake a royal cheesecake - a simple recipe with cottage cheese in the oven


For the test:

For filling:


There are many variations of dough preparation and filling for royal cheesecake. This option is the easiest, and its implementation will take a minimum of time. Margarine or butter cream immediately before cooking should be soft, so it must be kept for a while under room conditions. Mix it with sifted flour and knead it with hands until you get a little crumb. Now we spread three quarters of the received mass in an oiled container for baking and we impregnate it, forming sufficiently high skirts.

Cottage cheese is combined in a bowl with chicken eggs, add sugar and vanillin (vanilla sugar), stir everything carefully to distribute the components among themselves and put them into shape. We spread the curd and fill the remainder with crumbs.

We place the mold with the preform in a preheated oven to 180 degrees and set the timer for fifty minutes. On readiness we give the royal cheesecake cool and can try, cutting into portions.

How to cook a royal cheesecake with apples - a recipe in a multivariate


For the test:

For filling:


In this case we will prepare the crumb for the dough in a somewhat different way. Chilled butter grind on grater, combine with sifted flour, granulated sugar and baking powder and rub it carefully, to get the same baby.

For filling, whisk in eggs with sugar, mix the resulting mass with cottage cheese and vanillin (cinnamon), and also clean and cut into thin slices apple.

In the oiled container of the multi-device, we pour out a layer of crumbs, pritrambovyvaem it quite a few hands and pour half of the curd mass. Now another layer of crumb, which is covered with the remaining curd filling. From the top, lay out the apple slices and rub the remaining crumbs. Preparing such a royal cheesecake in the "Bake" mode. It is necessary to sustain the product in this program for eighty minutes, then take the multicast with the finished cake from the device and allow to cool completely.

Very delicious will also be a royal cheesecake with cherries without pits, if you replace them with apple slices.