Salad of squid with cucumber

The combination of squid with cucumbers gives a feeling of tenderness, freshness and lightness. These salads are very simple to perform, and the main secret is how to properly prepare the squid. If you digest them, they become very tough. And the only salvation is to keep the carcass in boiling water for another 40 minutes, until soft, but with squid diminishing in size every two.

So, let's talk about the correct preparation of salad with squid and cucumber. First, the carcasses are thawed, washed, we remove the film and the rigid inner plate. We lower calamari into boiling water for 30 seconds. After we remove the saucepan from the fire and keep the carcasses under the lid for another 5-10 minutes. We take it out, let it cool down and cut it into salads.

Light salad of squid



Pre-cooked squid cut into half rings. Avocado cleaned, cut slices and sprinkled with lemon juice. Cucumber shred straw. Mix all the ingredients, salt, pepper to taste. We fill it with mayonnaise and serve it to the table, decorating with pine nuts.

The most simple salad of squid



Cook the squid with noodles. Cucumbers clean and cut straws. My greens, dried and finely chopped. We mix everything, salt, pepper. We fill with mayonnaise. Let's serve salad chilled.

Salad of squid with vegetables



Cucumbers, squid and pre-boiled carrots cut into cubes. Add green peas and finely chopped green onions. Solim, pepper, mix. We put boiled eggs diced in cubes and again gently hindered. If desired, you can add prawns, mussels or other seafood. The taste of the salad will be more diverse and full.

For filling, we combine sour cream, mayonnaise, mustard and chopped dill. We pour the salad over this sauce. Before serving, we decorate with greens.

Salad with shrimps, squid and fresh cucumber



Boil and cut into large pieces of shrimp and squid. A few shrimp are left for decoration. Cucumbers are cleaned and cut into cubes. Stir the salad and add the coarsely crumbled boiled eggs.

We combine mayonnaise, garlic and hot sauce passed through the press. We pour salad on this dressing. We spread it in portions in slices or wide glasses. We decorate with red caviar, shrimps and parsley.

Salad of squid with sea kale and salted cucumber

Very simple and useful salad with the "right" dietary dressing.



Cooked squids are cut into strips. Finely chopped cucumbers and onions. We add sea kale and mix everything. We pour a dressing from oil with vinegar, seasoned with pepper and salt. We give the salad a night in the fridge.