Bow - good and bad

Onion is a very widespread vegetable, which is used for food in all corners of the world. And the history of his cultivation has very deep roots - archaeologists have proved that mankind has become acquainted with it almost five thousand years ago. However, even today, not all women know about the benefits and harm of onions. Meanwhile, for women's health, this vegetable is considered indispensable.

The use of onions for the human body

The benefits and harm of onion for health are due to the unique chemical composition of the vegetable. It is extraordinarily rich in B vitamins and vitamin C, as well as manganese, iron , zinc, fluoride, iodine, flavonoids and volatile ether compounds. Onions contain very few calories - about 40 per 100 grams.

The use of onions for human health is as follows:

The use of onions for women

To beautiful ladies the onion helps to preserve youth and beauty. And, for this purpose it is possible to eat or use for preparation of simple cosmetic means. Be sure to include the onions in its menus because the women:

If the onion is grated, mixed with olive oil and used as a mask for hair, it can be guaranteed to improve the condition of your hair. If the same mask is applied to the face, then you can get rid of dark spots, freckles, wrinkles and pimples.

Harm to the onion

Eating raw onion not only benefits, but harm can bring. And this concerns not only the intense smell, due to which many women do not favor this vegetable. Its juice can irritate the digestive tract, so the onion is contraindicated in people with digestive system diseases. But in a baked or boiled form and in moderate amounts, this vegetable can be consumed even with ulcers, pancreatitis, gastritis, etc. Also, caution should be given to onions, allergy sufferers, asthmatics, people with elevated blood pressure.