Momordika - useful properties

Owners of grocery supermarkets today provide a very wide range of fruits and vegetables, among which you can often find exotic species. Do not be afraid to pamper yourself with unfamiliar fruits, because almost all of them are a real repository of useful compounds. This applies to the Momordica, also called the Indian cucumber.

Momordika: useful properties

To understand what is so useful for this unusual fruit, it is enough to consider its composition.

  1. In the fruits and shoots of Momordica, the content of potassium is high. This important element ensures the normal contractility of the heart muscle, and therefore Indian cucumber is sometimes recommended to add to the diet of people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Exotic fruits are very rich in selenium. Without the participation of this element, the normal functioning of the thyroid gland is impossible, therefore people who periodically supplement their diet with momordics, are less likely to develop hypothyroidism.
  3. Unusual fruit is a source of silicon - an element involved in building bones and muscles.
  4. Phosphorus - another element, in large quantities, contained in the leaves and fruits of Momordica. Therefore, those who have a habit of regularly adding these fruits to their meals will not suffer from a decrease in brain activity.
  5. Momordica is very rich in vitamins, among them you can meet various representatives of group B. These compounds regulate the most important processes in the body - the exchange of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  6. Indian cucumber is a real anti-aging remedy! It contains a large amount of vitamin E, which is known to be an excellent natural antioxidant. Therefore, those who like to pamper themselves with exotic fruit, perhaps, will grow old more slowly, and certainly will not have problems with skin and hair.
  7. Momordica is a source of vitamin A, which provides us with normal vision.
  8. In the fruits of Indian cucumber, you can also find many useful organic acids: nicotinic, folic, ascorbic, pantothenic. These compounds are necessary to maintain the walls of the vessels in good condition, the normal operation of the brain and the flow of basic biochemical processes.

Of course, this is not all that can be useful for our exotic fruit. The use of Momordica is indeed indisputable, because even medicines are prepared from it. Momordica with diabetes is particularly recommended, because it has the ability to stimulate the production of insulin and thus helps to bring blood glucose levels back to normal. It has a momordica and other interesting properties, for example, it was recently discovered that it contains substances that suppress tumor growth. That is, it can be assumed that people who periodically use momordica are more protected from the development of oncological diseases.

Some nutritionists advise adding Indian cucumber to their habitual dishes losing weight, because the abundance of vitamins and minerals in it allows you to improve the basic metabolism, get more energy and more effectively fight against excess weight . So momordika is also useful for losing weight.

Who is not recommended?

Under certain conditions, momordica is not only good, but also harm. Firstly, in order to get healthier, do not try to eat as many fruits as possible. They contain very active substances and their overdose will lead to nothing good. Secondly, to eat this fruit is contraindicated in pregnant women, because the compounds forming in the compound can provoke premature birth. Finally, it is better to try momordica carefully with those who are prone to food allergies.