How to practice on a treadmill?

Most often, to lose weight, coming to the gym, people choose to train a treadmill. Any direction in the sport has its own characteristics, without regard to which it will not be possible to achieve the results. That's why it's important to know how to properly engage on a treadmill , otherwise even hours of training can be in vain. With regular classes, observing the technique, you can achieve good results by getting rid of excess weight.

How to practice on the treadmill to lose weight?

Before you get up on the simulator, you need to do a warm-up, which will prepare the muscles for training. Another thing is to do stretching exercises, which will prevent injuries.

Tips on how to engage on a treadmill to lose weight:

  1. It is important to monitor the pulse, because at too high a value it is necessary to make a stop. It is not recommended to run for more than 10 minutes. when the pulse is indicated, 120-140 strokes.
  2. The most effective for weight loss is interval training on the treadmill. On modern technology this program is provided, but the mode can be set manually. First you need to calculate the maximum intensity of the run, for which you take away your age from 220, and then, take 60-70%. It starts with walking, then, increase the speed and run for about 15 minutes. After that, go to the maximum and run about 10 minutes, and then, lower the tempo to the average value and to a minimum.
  3. Regularly increase the load in order to achieve better results.

It is important to understand how much to be engaged on a treadmill to lose weight. Perhaps, many will be surprised, but in the first 40 min. training accumulated fat is not consumed. It is best to practice for an hour at an average pace.