Abortion at week 12

Without medical or social testimony, any woman can have an abortion only until 12 or 12 weeks of a normal pregnancy. Having the above mentioned indications allows abortion after 12 weeks.

Interruption of current pregnancy in the early stages

So, if a woman's pregnancy lasts no more than 5 weeks, abortion is carried out using a vacuum. The process is controlled by an ultrasound device and is performed exclusively under local anesthesia. The whole process lasts no more than 5-7 minutes. This method is quite traumatic and can have various complications. That is why more recently, medical abortion has been used more often.

This type of abortion is carried out using medications. The method is absolutely painless and is considered, perhaps, the safest way to interrupt the current pregnancy. But, unfortunately, for a period of almost 3 months, such an abortion is already making no sense, and one can only hope for a surgical interruption.

Interruption of pregnancy on a long term

Interruption of the current pregnancy after 12 weeks is performed surgically and exclusively in medical institutions. This process is a complete removal from the uterine cavity of the fetal egg , after which a sterile instrument is used to remove the uterine walls. This is done in order to purify the uterine cavity, and with it the endometrium, from the remains of the destroyed fetal egg. Otherwise, unscaled residues can lead to the development of infection, which in the most severe cases may result in amputation of the uterus.

Interruption of pregnancy (abortion) for a period of 12 or more weeks is performed under general anesthesia. Usually, an abortion of 12-13 weeks is performed if a woman has certain indications:

In addition to the above medical indications, abortion for a rather long period can also be carried out on social grounds: