Separate food - table

Most people are very complex because of excess weight , someone tries to hide problem areas under dimensionless clothing, someone tires themselves with excessive sports, and someone suffers from hunger in the hope of once again becoming slim and beautiful. In the modern world there are quite a lot of different programs for weight loss, which do not harm the body and bring significant health benefits. And one of these techniques is a separate diet, which helps forever say goodbye to the hated kilograms.

The principle of separate diet for weight loss

The founder of the theory of separate nutrition is Herbert Shelton. The essence of this method is to prevent the simultaneous use of incompatible products, because it will greatly complicate the process of digesting food and contribute to the accumulation of toxins and toxins in the body. But if you use compatible products, the fats and carbohydrates are oxidized in a timely manner, quickly assimilated and can no longer form fat deposits.

So, for example, carbohydrate food (potatoes, cereals, flour products) can not be simultaneously consumed with protein (meat, eggs, fish, milk). their combination is unacceptable. Some fruits and vegetables, according to the method of separate nutrition , belong to the neutral group, this means that they can be consumed at any time with any products. Well, a special compatibility table, used for separate power supply, will tell you which products are combined and which ones are not.

Separate power table

According to the theory of H. Shelton, the products can be divided into several groups:

  1. Carbohydrate foods . This includes sweets, cereals, flour products, dried fruits, potatoes, turnips, green cabbage, bananas, figs, etc. An alkaline process is necessary for their digestion.
  2. Protein products . These include eggs, seafood, meat, fish, milk, cheese, pears, apples, peaches, etc. Such food is absorbed only in an acidic environment.
  3. Neutral group . This is almost all types of vegetables, many varieties of fruits, fats, butter. These products for digestion need both medium, both acidic and alkaline.

With separate power supply, the compatibility of the products is determined by the table:

Keep in mind, the interval between receiving incompatible products should be at least 2 hours, because it is very important that previously eaten food had time to digest and did not interfere with the assimilation of the following products. And in order to get into the body as much as possible vitamins and trace elements, try to expose food to minimal heat treatment.

Separate food benefits and harm

The system of separate food, like any other program aimed at reducing weight, has its pros and cons. So, the benefit of this method of losing weight is that:

  1. Thanks to the rapid digestion of food, the processes of putrefaction and fermentation of the remains of food in the stomach stop.
  2. The metabolism returns to normal.
  3. Favorably affects the work of the digestive and cardiovascular system.
  4. The weight is normalized. After two months separate food, the extra pounds will leave you, and the result will be preserved for a long time.
  5. The load on the pancreas decreases.


  1. Violation of natural digestion.
  2. Constant feeling of hunger, tk. To get a feeling of satiety with separate food is hard enough.
  3. You can not adhere to this method of losing weight in acute forms of heart disease, liver, stomach, kidneys, pancreas.