Figs - good and bad

Ficus carica - this is the "official" name of figs, the edible fruits of which, like any product, bear, both harm and benefit. In the modern world, the fig tree, as it was customarily called in Russia, is used not only in dried, fresh form, but also in canned. Moreover, there are lovers of exotics, who at home grow it in pots.

Useful properties of fresh figs

First of all, its main value is that it has antipyretic effect. Wise mistresses note: during the sore throat several fig fruits should be boiled in milk. Such a drink can not only drink, but rinse with their throat. It should be noted that, unlike dried berries, fresh figs are low-calorie, and its benefit is that eating 2-3 fruits a day, you will be able to replenish the stock of microelements that are missing from the body.

Eastern delicacy includes a large number of pectins, enzymes, proteins, organic acids, vitamins of group B, C, PP. In addition, it includes: potassium, magnesium, iodine, calcium, phosphorus , iron. It has a lot of potassium. By this property, it is second only to nuts. This explains why it is recommended to use it for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Properties of dried figs

At least several times a week pamper yourself with dried figs, this you lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. Moreover, it has a beneficial effect on the body with thromboembolism, thrombophlebitis, because it is able to cope with tvermoobrazovaniyami. This is due to the action of furocoumarin and coumarin, which are part of its composition.

Excellent antioxidant agent, fighting the emergence of malignant tumors. Regularly using this berry, you help your body to destroy intestinal parasites and bacteria.

Dried fig fruits perfectly replace sweets and other sweets. Nor do they harm your blood vessels. After all, they contain not sugar, but fructose and sucrose. For the reason that in 100 grams of figs 50 kcal, it will help you to satisfy hunger.

As for its use in folk medicine, it is recommended in a steamed form to apply it to places with formed on them, abscesses and boils. Be sure, this will speed up their autopsy.

What is useful for women?

Every woman wants to stay young and healthy. So, this fruit facilitates the passage of menstruation. To do this, eat 3 fetuses a day. In addition, he manages to maintain the balance of chemical elements in the female body.

Thanks to microelements, the skin becomes sensitive to UV rays, which can not help playing tan lovers. He will help to lose a few pounds and get an aspen waist.

If you do not know how to get rid of vitiligo, experts advise rubbing into white stains the juice extracted from leaves or green fruits. In addition, masks, prepared on the basis of fig fruits, will give your skin a second youth, endowed with its elasticity and natural brilliance.

Usefulness of figs in pregnancy

Dietary fiber figs have a positive effect on the digestive system of the future mummy. So, in 8 dried fruits contains about 10 g of fiber. And phosphorus, magnesium and potassium have a beneficial effect on the formation of the tooth germ of the fetus.

Benefits and Harms of Figs

If you are suffering from gout, remember that figs contain a large amount of oxalic acid, so refrain from using it. In addition, do not aggravate your state of health if your body is prone to stone formation or you have inflammatory processes of the digestive system.