Brazilian hair straightening

Various negative factors, such as staining, water, sunlight, lead to hair thinning and the loss of a fibrillar protein called keratin. This substance is the basis of healthy curls, therefore, if its content in the hair shaft is insufficient, the hairdo gets unhealthy appearance, the hair begins to fall out and be cut. Brazilian hair straightening is able to correct the damage caused and restore the hair beauty and shine.

Brazilian Straightening and Keratin Hair Treatment - Technology

To understand this question, it is necessary to understand the structure of a human hair. It consists of three main parts:

  1. Bulb.
  2. Internal root vagina.
  3. Kernel.

In turn, the rod includes a cortex (a brain substance) and a cuticle (external coating). Damage to both parts of the hair shaft leads to weakening of the hair, increasing their porosity, dehydration. Because of this, they look dull, drop out and do not fit well.

Brazilian creative hair straightening is as follows:

  1. Hair is thoroughly washed with a special shampoo with a deep cleansing. It removes the remains of styling products, excess skin fat and all contaminants, so that the hair becomes as receptive to the procedure as possible.
  2. On the strand is applied a special product with a high content of keratin, close in composition to the natural protein of the human body, plant components and vitamin complex.
  3. Hair straightens with professional ironing at high temperature. At the same time keratin penetrates deeply into the hair shaft and curls under the thermal effect, tightly sealing the hair.

Brazilian hair straightening does not harm them, despite the use of ironing, because the temperature has an effect only on the keratin drug, without experiencing the hair shaft itself.

Thus, after the procedure, the following results are visible:

How much does Brazilian hair straighten?

A professionally performed procedure with proper home care allows you to save the effect for a period of 4 to 6 months. It is worth noting that for this you need to follow all the instructions of the wizard and use only the recommended tools.

Preparations for brazilian hair straightening

A lot of modern brands of professional hairdressing cosmetics produce similar products. There should not be any chemicals in their composition, this must be paid special attention. The quality raw material for the treatment of hair with keratin consists of such ingredients:

Means for care after Brazilian hair straightening

Like any other procedure for hair restoration and treatment, Brazilian straightening requires special home care. Ordinary, even very high-quality or organic cosmetic products will not work, because they can have a destructive effect on keratin, so it will quickly wash. Therefore, experts are always advised to purchase a special shampoo after the Brazilian hair straightening, balm and serum. In this case, the brand of care products should be the same as the preparation used for the procedure.