Castor oil for hair - application

Castor oil is an oil obtained from the seeds of a castor oil plant growing in East Africa. The plant itself is poisonous, but its oil is a very valuable product that is used in medicine and cosmetology. For example, from time immemorial, castor oil finds application as a means for hair care and healing.

Use of castor oil for hair

Purified castor oil is a pale yellow viscous liquid having a characteristic odor. Its value is due to the high content of fatty acids: ricinoleic, oleic, linoleic, stearic, palmitic, etc.

Castor oil easily penetrates the hair shaft, absorbs and saturates it with useful substances, it provides deep hydration. It gives shine to hair, promotes their restoration, strengthening. Hair after castor oil becomes elastic, strong, easy to comb.

Thanks to castor oil, the roots of hair receive the necessary "make-up", strengthen and improve their functioning. In addition, castor oil promotes the activation of sleeping bulbs, thereby increasing the density of hair.

Favorably affects castor oil and the skin of the scalp. It increases blood circulation, normalizes the metabolism and activity of the sebaceous glands, removes inflammatory processes, eliminates dryness.

Indications for the use of castor oil for hair:

Methods of using castor oil

The easiest way to use castor oil for hair is to apply it to your hair. But before that, you need to slightly warm the oil in a water bath. This one-component mask can be applied both over the entire length, and rubbed into the roots or distributed at the tips - depending on the needs of the hair. To enhance the effect, the hair should be wrapped in polyethylene and wrapped with a towel. The oil is washed off in an hour, while you should take into account that for this you will have to resort to a thorough repeated washing of hair with shampoo.

Mask with castor oil, improving hair condition:

  1. Warm a teaspoon of castor oil on a water bath.
  2. Add as much honey and aloe juice.
  3. Stir and apply on hair for 30 - 40 minutes.
  4. Wash off with shampoo.

Mask with castor oil for hair growth:

  1. Mix in equal proportions castor oil and alcohol tincture of hot pepper.
  2. Rub into the scalp, wrap with polyethylene and a towel.
  3. Wash off after 20 - 30 minutes with shampoo.

Mask with castor oil from hair loss:

  1. Combine a teaspoon of castor oil, one yolk and juice of one lemon.
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Apply to clean damp hair, rubbing into roots and distributing the mixture along the entire length, insulate.
  4. After an hour wash off with shampoo.

Mask with castor oil for oily hair:

  1. Warm half a cup of kefir in a water bath.
  2. Add a teaspoon of castor oil.
  3. Distribute the mixture along the entire length of the hair, wrap it with polyethylene.
  4. Wash off after half an hour with shampoo.

Mask with castor oil for dandruff:

  1. Mix in equal amounts of onion juice and castor oil.
  2. Add the same amount of tincture of calendula .
  3. Apply the mixture on the scalp, carefully rub and distribute along the length of the hair.
  4. Wash off after 40 minutes with shampoo.