7 reasons to rejoice at the unrequited feeling

What is unrequited love ? Can love be unrequited, and what does love mean in general? If we finally understood the concepts, we could clearly define what is our life, certainly, it would be much easier, and ... more boring. But, we have what we have, and suppose you are unrequitedly in love. What to do and how to benefit from this state, read on.

Learning to love at a distance

You feel like a martyr, you ask heaven, why it happened with you this "misfortune". But your complaints are contrary to the main principle of love - to do so that the subject of your feelings was good. If he does not love you (yet), do not interfere and be imposed on this person, because it will be worse for you and him. Learn to rejoice over him, for everything is in order and wish him all the best.

Devote yourself to something great

Suffering is an ideal ground for creative achievement. When we love unrequited, a bright palette of emotions , strong, unbearable feelings should flow into some sort of channel. Make of your "favorite" muse, feel belonging to the world of creativity and find yourself in this area. Perhaps you will not become an outstanding poet, a skilled master of painting or the genius of a piano (although this happens), but a creative activity will help you feel the joy of life, be useful to the world, and, most importantly, turn your pain into something beautiful and eternal.

Unrequited love is the reason for losing weight?

Have you been putting off your weight loss program for the longest time in the farthest box of tasks and plans? Then your current state may be the ideal moment for change. Direct all your energy to transformation, to perfection, and perhaps your modified forms will find their fans.

Pamper yourself!

Women always save on themselves, while spending fabulous money on numerous relatives, pets, donations. The love of the world must begin with the love of self, which means that you have enough to spare money for yourself. Convince yourself that in the present mood you just need to buy yourself something expensive and luxurious, something that you have long dreamed of.

Go in for sports

Sports - this is the best way to distract from thoughts. Still, when sweat pours from you, breath is lost and the heart jumps out of your chest, believe me, at this moment you do not think of any love, neither about mutual, nor about unrequited. In addition, increased breathing during physical exercises contributes to the synthesis of endorphins - hormones of happiness, and this is just what you are missing!

Allow yourself to be sorry

You probably have friends ready for compassion, share your grief with them. Let them regret you, let them take care of you and entertain you. Remember, any real friend will begin to give you more time, to stimulate movement and exit from depression. At the initial stage it will be very useful, since not everyone is able to pull themselves into the same gym.

Achieve your goals

Very often offended girls try to become better "for evil" to their offenders. The method is not the most decent, but in most cases it works. Stimulate yourself, be always perfect - an ideal hairstyle, dressed with needles, even carry garbage for the entire parade. The main incentive is "if he meets me, I should look like 100, let him regret his disregard."

So, all of the above will be enough to get rid of love melancholy. Try to follow these recommendations, and your unrequited love will be your step to a new life - beautiful, refined, full of impressions, acquaintances and personal achievements.

Someday you will definitely meet with your failed boyfriend. What will you feel? Puzzled that he could hurt you so much, because you have become better over this time, and he stayed there, in the ridiculous past.