Hormones of the adrenal cortex

A few know about the adrenal glands and their functions in the body. Although these organs are very important. In the adrenal cortex vital hormones are produced, without which the person's well-being could not be satisfactory.

What are the hormones of the adrenal cortex?

The adrenal cortex can be conditionally divided into three zones:

Different substances are produced in each of the zones.

The hormones of the adrenal cortex are:

All of them directly affect the genetic changes that occur in the cells.

Mineralocorticoids include deoxy corticosterone and aldosterone. The latter is responsible for regulating the amount of potassium ions, sodium in the body and normal water-salt metabolism.

Glucocorticoids - cortisol, corticosterone - affect the process of carbohydrate metabolism, normalize liver function and help increase the amount of glucose in the blood. The most useful is their function is the ability to eliminate inflammation and combat allergies, while not affecting the process of mineral metabolism.

Genital steroid hormones of the adrenal cortex - estrogen , androgen - in the body perform the least important role. In fact, they are a reserve stock of useful substances, which will come in handy if the main organs responsible for the production of sex hormones begin to work incorrectly.

To support the body, you can use pharmaceutical preparations of hormones of the adrenal cortex:

What does the decrease and increase in the hormones of the adrenal cortex indicate?

If hormones begin to be produced too actively or vice versa too slowly, it negatively affects the body:

  1. With an increase in the amount of mineralocorticoids, for example, pressure may increase, some patients develop edema. Sometimes an overabundance of the substance leads to disorders in the work of the nervous system.
  2. The lack of mineralocorticoids leads to hypotension, hyperkalemia, inhibition of the nervous system.
  3. Excessive production of glucocorticoids is fraught with a violation of protein metabolism and an increase in the level of sugar.
  4. A decrease in the level of glucocorticoids indicates adrenal insufficiency. And if you do not pay attention to the problem in time, the body may die.