Homeopathy Likopodium - indications for use

Doctors-homeopaths recommend medicines not only in accordance with the patient's complaints, but also taking into account his appearance, features of nature, lifestyle. For example, women are often prescribed Lycopodium from homeopathy - indications for the use of granules include such common problems of the fairer sex as premature aging, hair loss, swelling of the ankles.

Application of Lycopodium in Homeopathy

This drug, produced in breeding 6, 12, 30 and 200, is based on seeds from cones of the planet. Their use allows us to normalize all metabolic processes, improve energy metabolism.

Symptoms that may serve as a basis for the appointment of Lycopodium are:

Indications for use of Lycopodium 6 and 12 in homeopathy

A small concentration of powder from the seeds of the planet is recommended for the treatment of the following pathological conditions and diseases:

Likopodium 6 and 12 are also used in homeopathy for complex therapy of the pancreas. Especially useful is the described drug in inflammatory processes, provoked by diseases of the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts.

Indications for use in homeopathy Lycopodium 30 and 200

The more concentrated granules are usually assigned in the following cases: