Tincture on pine nuts on vodka - recipe

Nuts of Siberian cedar are actively used in the medical and culinary spheres. In addition to the fact that this product is very tasty, it provides the intake of rare amino acids and plant proteins into the body, and only 100 g of seeds replenishes the daily need of an adult for vital microelements, including iodine. Especially popular is tincture on pine nuts on vodka - the recipe for this noble drink in the classical version is transmitted by the Siberian herbalists from generation to generation.

Use of tincture on pine nuts on vodka

Healing properties of the described product can not be overestimated:

Pay special attention to cedar tincture to women. There are many cases when it has been used to achieve positive results in the treatment of uterine fibroids and associated gynecological problems.

How to insist vodka on pine nuts?

This type of product is also called "nutcracker" or "kedruska". This drink is good as a means to maintain immunity and prevent ARI, SARS , and to serve a variety of dishes festive table, for example, on New Year's Eve. It has an exquisite and balanced taste, slightly reminiscent of expensive aged cognac, a beautiful dark amber color and a stunning subtle aroma.

Festive tincture of pine nuts on vodka with sugar



It is good to rinse the nuts, several times (4-5) to beat them with boiling water to wash off the resin shell. Pour the seeds into a bottle, add the remaining ingredients and pour all the vodka. Stir the formula thoroughly until the sugar completely melts. Close the container and put it in a warm place without penetrating the rays of light, for example, under the battery in the kitchen, for 10 days. After the allotted time, strain the tincture with clean gauze, put it in the fridge for another 3 days. In 72 hours "kedrovka" can be safely tried.

A classic recipe for medicinal paste of pine nuts on vodka

If only a medicinal drink is required, it is better to use the method of its preparation, which is recommended by the Siberian herbalists.

Healing cedar tincture



Wash and treat cedar seeds in the same way as in the previously cited recipe. Crush the nuts with a hammer. Place the raw material in a glass jar and fill with water, cover with any tight lid. Place the container in a warm place for 4 days. After the specified period of time, add the vodka to the jar, mix the solution, cork and persist for 1 month. After 30 days add to the tincture honey, mix the ingredients, strain it through the gauze. Prepared drink poured into comfortable bottles of dark glass.

It is important to note that the curative infusion can be consumed only in small portions, not more than 50 g per day, before eating.