Brown discharge in early pregnancy

At the very beginning of the gestation process the future mother notes the presence of various kinds of secretions from the genital tract. Naturally, this makes a woman nervous and worried. But not always brown discharge in the beginning of pregnancy is the reason for a visit to the doctor, sometimes they can have a normal origin. Consider the different types of excreta and the factors that provoke them.

Allocations at the beginning of pregnancy

Immediately it is worth mentioning that for a woman, regardless of whether she is in position or not, it is characterized by exclusively yellowish or whitish secretions that do not have a smell. If the discharge at the beginning of pregnancy has acquired a curdled and dense appearance, and moreover it is accompanied by an itching of the external genitalia, then it is most likely a question of a thrush , which it is difficult to treat for a future mother, but it is necessary.

The greatest concern is the blood discharge in early pregnancy, which in itself is a pathological phenomenon. Everyone knows that there can not be a baby during pregnancy, except for a few drops of blood that can appear at the time of attaching the fetal egg to the uterus.

The appearance of brown discharge in early pregnancy can symbolize the risk of miscarriage or fetal fetal death in the womb. In some cases, they are a symptom of the attachment of an egg to the fetus outside the walls of the uterus. All these conjectures are confirmed by the use of ultrasound and the delivery of biomaterials to determine the level of hCG, which is always lowered in these pathologies.

Accompanying seizures, the onset of pregnancy is always regarded by gynecologists as a risk of miscarriage . However, often doctors, having established that the fetus develops normally, prescribe a woman full of emotional and sexual rest, perhaps until the birth itself.

Blood discharge in early pregnancy

The most difficult situation is that in which the blood at the beginning of pregnancy has a bright scarlet color, which is equated with the "fresh" exfoliation of the placental organ. In this case, the chances of saving the child are significantly reduced.

If yellow discharge in early pregnancy or red clots arose after sexual intercourse, examination on an armchair at a gynecologist or syringing, then it is likely that they are the result of a trauma caused to the walls of the vagina. Also, blood drops can mean that the woman has erosion of the uterine neck.

Regardless of what allocation in the beginning of pregnancy became a cause for concern, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed.