Red spots on the neck

Every person had strange eruptions on his neck at least once and there were red spots, which sometimes even itched. This phenomenon is common and can have several medical justifications:

Why does the red spots appear on my neck?

The human body is designed in such a way that rashes and red spots on the body, including the neck in front or behind, can talk about changes in any functions in the body. Such rashes may even appear due to banal nervous stress.

Scaly red spots on the neck, especially if they cover large areas of the skin, must be checked for psoriasis and eczema. In the case where the spots have the shape of a circle and a bright outline - this may well be one of the varieties of lichen.

Also, seborrhea of ​​the scalp in the area of ​​hair growth in the absence of adequate therapy may well go over the neck. Both oily and dry seborrhea are expressed reddish areas scaly and cause unpleasant itching.

Treatment of red scaly patches on the neck

To begin with, you should visit a doctor as early as possible and take the necessary tests to exclude serious pathologies and infections. If the cause of the rash does not apply to complex diseases, then the therapy should begin first with a review of nutrition. It is also necessary to replace cosmetics with natural products. The same applies to soap. Clothing is best worn from natural tissue until the red spots on the neck will not pass and will not cease to itch.

Direct local treatment, as a rule, consists of ointment and softening natural cream, which is used after a shower. The neck has a very delicate thin skin, and getting rid of various kinds of rashes in this place will take time from several weeks and more.