Callanetics - what is it in fitness and what does it give?

To date, there are a large number of areas in the sport, which have their advantages and disadvantages. Recently, more and more popular is Callanetics, which helps to effectively lose weight and improves the condition of the entire body.

Callanetics - what is it in fitness?

This term is understood as gymnastics, which is a complex system of exercises aimed at contracting and stretching muscles. Its main advantage is the development of deeply located muscles that do not participate in the basic exercises. Effective callanetics for weight loss, to improve posture and health of the whole body. This kind of fitness is popular among the stars of show business.

Callanetics - the history of origin

A new kind of gymnastics appeared in the 60s of the 20th century, and Callan Pinckney came up with her after she returned from a long trip. Prolonged loads led to the fact that she had pain in her back and knees, which, according to doctors, could be got rid of only thanks to surgery. The girl refused this and began to devise exercises that reduced discomfort. As a result, callanetics led to tonus in the body, strengthened muscles and relieved the painful sensations.

Callanetics is good

Simple exercises, also called "uncomfortable poses," involve the muscles of all groups. An excellent solution is callanetics for an ideal figure, since an hour of training equals several hours of aerobics. The use of callanetics is as follows:

Callanetics - contraindications

Even considering the simplicity of the exercises and the huge benefit, there are a number of contraindications that need to be known and taken into account.

  1. Gymnastics Callanetics is not recommended for serious diseases associated with the heart and blood vessels.
  2. To postpone training for a year is important after the surgical intervention, because the body must recover. After caesarean section it is not recommended to engage in 1.5 years.
  3. People who have problems with eyesight are advised to consult a doctor first.
  4. Callanetics is prohibited for asthma , hemorrhoids and varicose veins, and even for serious problems with the spine.

Callanetics - a set of exercises

There are several general recommendations concerning the performance of exercises on callanetics.

  1. If there is an opportunity, then it is better to do better in front of the mirror, in order to monitor correctly or not, exercises are performed.
  2. Performing on kallanetike exercises, you need to breathe in the usual rhythm, as any delay in breathing will adversely affect the result.
  3. During training, there should be no sudden movements. Repeat each exercise 30-100 times.
  4. Beginners are advised to start with three lessons per week, which should last about an hour. When the result is good, then you can train less. To maintain the shape is enough for 15 minutes. daily.

Charging Callanetics

If there is no time for full-fledged training during the day, then perform a simple charge, which, with regular practice, leads to excellent results. Gives callanetics effective weight loss through such exercises:

  1. Sit on the floor, tilt the straight back and bend your legs. Alternately, straighten the limbs, keeping your hands in front of you. After that, spread your arms out and continue straightening your legs.
  2. Place yourself on the floor with your legs bent. Hold the loin against the floor. Slightly lower your legs to reach the maximum tension in the press. If this is easily given, then keep your legs straight.
  3. Turn over on your stomach and stretch your arms forward. At the same time lift your chest over the floor and one leg. After a delay for a few seconds, drop to the floor, and repeat to the other side.
  4. Another callanetics offers such an exercise: sit on the floor, transferring the weight of the body to one side and sitting on the thigh. Lower leg pull forward, and the other - bend at the knee. On the floor you will rest with one hand. Hold the straight leg on the weight for a maximum amount of time, and then follow the same on the other side.

Callanetics - stretching exercises

In any complex it is recommended to include stretching, with which you can reduce muscle tension and make the muscles more elastic. Training callanetics can include such exercises:

  1. Place yourself on the floor, spread your legs as wide as possible and rest against them with your hands. Carry the slopes as a spring.
  2. Lie on your back, stretching your legs in front of you, and place your arms to the sides at shoulder level. Bend the left leg in the knee and wind it over the right one. In this case, the scapula from the floor should not come off. Perform springy movements in the direction of the floor. Perform on the other side.

Callanetics for the abdomen

A flat belly and a beautiful press is a dream for many girls and it is not so difficult to implement it. Callanetics for the abdomen and sides will come to the aid:

  1. Lie down on the floor and hold the legs on the weight, bending them in the lap. Do twisting with an exhalation while lifting, holding your hands behind your head. After that, pull your hands forward and continue to perform the exercise.
  2. When in the same position, place your knees bent at the shoulder width. Perform the exercise in two stages for two exhalations: first lift the scapula, holding hands behind the head, and then raise the lower back, stretching your arms forward.
  3. Do not change the position, put one leg bent at the knee to the other. Twist by pulling the opposite elbow to the knee.
  4. Raise the body and rest on your elbows. Raise your legs and hold them at a right angle. Alternately straighten the left or right foot. After this, straighten the limbs and slowly lower them and raise them, not touching the floor.
  5. Do not change the position, straighten your legs, and then dilute them in the sides. In this exercise, the quadriceps of the hip works.
  6. To develop oblique muscles, callanetics offers such an exercise: sit in balance, that is, keep the body straight and legs bent at the knees, and the emphasis should only be on the buttocks. Carry out lateral twisting, moving hands, then one way, then the other. After that, keep the case in the forward position and perform the mixing and spreading of hands to the sides.
  7. In the same position, straighten your legs one by one, and keep your hands in front of you.
  8. Lie on your side, the emphasis on the elbow, and hold your other hand at the waist. In this position, lift both legs. Perform on both sides.
  9. Do not change the position, put the upper leg forward. Raise your arm above your head, lifting your hips off the floor and bending as much as possible. Make two sides.

Callanetics for the legs and thighs

Many women complain that they have large hips that spoil the figure, but there are simple exercises to make the legs slim:

  1. Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs in front of you. Hold one leg in the air, and the other - bend at the knee, while keeping your back in a level position. Perform rotational movements inside and out. Repeat to the other side.
  2. Sit on the hip of one leg so that the shin is parallel to the body. Keep the other leg (working) in the side bent at the knee. Hands rest on the floor, leaning forward slightly. Hold it above the floor and pull it back with effort, as if pushing the heel against an invisible wall. Repeat to the other side.
  3. There is still in callanetics an exercise for weight loss of the hips, for which you will sit on your side, an emphasis on the elbow. Hold the lower leg straight, and the second - put forward as far as possible above the knee. Hold the case smoothly. Raise the lower leg above the floor, and hold the static load for a minute. Repeat on both sides. At the end of the complex, do a stretching exercise .

Callanetics for pregnant women

Physical load for women in the situation is not only not contraindicated, but also recommended, but only if it is correctly selected. To make sure of this, you should know what callanetics gives, so with simple exercises you can maintain muscles in tone, get rid of back pain, correct postural defects and prepare for childbirth. To begin training it is necessary only with the permission of the doctor. To give callanetics results, it is recommended to engage in a group with a specialist, as he individually podbreet exercises, taking into account the characteristics of the body.