Sunflower seeds during pregnancy

Like any nuts and beans - seeds are a storehouse of vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids and minerals. However, around the issue of the benefits of seeds during pregnancy, there are many discussions. After all, people are widely believed that seeds during pregnancy cause appendicitis.

However, this is nothing more than rumors. Yes, the consumption of a large number of seeds with husks can cause inflammation of the appendix, but not only in pregnant women, but in any externally healthy person. The danger of large consumption of purified sunflower seeds is their high caloric value (which is fraught with a set of extra kilograms in the shortest possible time), and in the laxative effect (a large percentage of the oil content contributes to mechanical irritation of the intestine and provokes diarrhea ).

Is it possible to gnaw seeds for pregnant women?

Regarding the question of whether it is possible to gnaw seeds for pregnant women, it all depends on the degree of their purity. It is advisable to buy raw seeds during pregnancy, rinse them with water, and then fry in a pan until it dries. It should be noted that when frying, seeds lose their useful properties, and in sunflower seeds it is a large amount of antioxidants, unsaturated fatty acids, potassium, magnesium and selenium, as well as a lot of fiber.

You can get pregnant and pumpkin seeds - they are very useful and help to cope sparingly with the frequent problem of pregnant women - constipation. In addition, pumpkin seeds are rich in minerals, potassium, magnesium, zinc and carotenoids and contain a very low percentage of fatty acids, which excludes the possibility of gaining excess weight. In addition, both sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, nails and skin.

The following statements are popular among the people, why pregnant women should not eat sunflower seeds:

However, none of these statements has any scientific justification. Increased hairiness can be a genetic predisposition, but many babies are born with covered hairs or lanugo, which disappear within a few months after birth.

Tearfulness of a child can be associated with the features of the mother's psyche, with emotional experiences during pregnancy. Also, anxiety and tearfulness can be the result of birth trauma, intrauterine hypoxia or fetal hypotrophy .

Increased salivation is characteristic of all infants, since the mechanisms of nervous regulation of autonomic processes (the parasympathetic department of the nervous system) are still immature in the functional plan.

Summarizing, the answer to the question, whether it is possible during pregnancy of a seed, will be - yes. And not only it is possible, but also it is necessary to consume seeds to pregnant women in the measure.

  1. Seeds effectively save from heartburn during pregnancy and are generally useful for the prevention of skin diseases, loss of hair (a common situation during pregnancy) and brittle nails.
  2. Seeds of sunflower during pregnancy positively affect the perelstatics of the intestine, eliminate constipation and discomfort in the lower abdomen. However, in large quantities, diarrhea is provoked and can cause heartburn and irritation of the gastric mucosa - which requires a restriction in their use for pregnant women with gastritis, esophagitis, and hepato-biliary system problems.
  3. Sesame seeds in pregnancy should be used with greater caution - since unburned sesame seeds can carry an infection, and after heat treatment, sesame seeds lose all useful properties. In this case, it is worth giving preference to sesame oil.