Can I do a pregnancy test in the afternoon?

When there is a delay in menstrual days, the first thought that occurs in a woman's head is pregnancy. That is why there is an irresistible desire to establish this fact, or, on the contrary, to refute it. In this regard, quite often the girls have a question directly related to whether it is possible to do a pregnancy test in the afternoon. Let's try to answer it.

How does the express pregnancy test work?

First, you need to understand how most of these diagnostic tools are arranged - test strips.

This diagnostic method is based on the establishment of hCG levels. This hormone begins to be synthesized in the body almost from the first days, and an increase in its concentration occurs with an increase in the period.

On the test strip there are special reagents that appear at a certain level of hCG in the urine. As a rule, when the hormone concentration in the excreted urine is 25 mI / ml, the test is triggered.

Can I make a pregnancy test in the afternoon?

The instructions to this diagnostic tool clearly state that the study should be conducted in the morning. The rationale for this requirement is the fact that the greatest concentration of the hormone is noted in the morning portion of urine. That is why during the test of the day it is possible to obtain an unreliable result, because the concentration of HCG may be lower than that required for triggering the level test.

However, it must be said that a pregnancy test can be done during the day, provided that more than 3 weeks have elapsed since conception.

When will the pregnancy test accurately show the result?

According to the instructions for the test, the result can be shown from the first day of the delay. Thus, at least 14 days must elapse from the moment of conception. However, some girls recorded a positive result already literally on the 10th day after sexual intercourse. The study was conducted exclusively in the morning and the first portion of urine was used.

If you make a pregnancy test during the day, you can also get a reliable result. It is necessary not urinate 5-6 hours before the study, which is quite difficult for most women. However, if there is a great desire to learn about the presence or absence of pregnancy, some women go for this condition.

In addition to the time of the study, a certain role is played by the observance of certain conditions. Among them are: