Can I have red wine for pregnant women?

The question of whether pregnant women can drink red wine is of interest to many women in the situation. An unequivocal answer to it for today doctors do not give. Let's try to understand and consider, as they say, all the pros and cons.

Can I drink red wine during pregnancy?

So many representatives of medicine expresses an opinion that the reception of any kind of alcohol during the carrying of the baby is inadmissible. After all, as is known, this substance belongs to poisons, and has a harmful effect on the body, including on the health of the baby itself.

There is also the opposite opinion that in small quantities, wine can be beneficial to the body. A similar statement was made by British scientists who studied the effect of red wine on the organism of a future mother and her baby.

What should be considered when using red wine during the gestation process?

If the doctor's answer to the question of a woman in the position as to whether pregnant red dry wine is positive, then follow it-how much and how often?

So, doctors adhere to the fact that the future mother can sometimes afford a small glass of red wine. At the same time, use it no more than 1-2 times a month. Moreover, doctors prohibit taking alcohol for a period of up to 12 weeks. it is at this time in the body of the baby is the laying of the main organs and systems.

Also, when answering is not a question of a woman expecting the appearance of a baby: is it possible for pregnant women sometimes to drink a glass of red wine to specify that it can not be domestic, because This kind of product turns out to be fortified (with a high alcohol content). The volume should not exceed 50-60 ml.

Thus, the opinion of doctors about whether it is possible for pregnant women to drink red wine is ambiguous. Thus, some representatives of medicine express themselves categorically against the use alcohol during pregnancy, others on the contrary - allow one-time use. At the same time they necessarily focus the attention of expectant mothers on the frequency of its use and quantity. If the pregnant woman has a great desire, then you can slightly "sip" the wine. However, in no case is it a question of the systematic use of alcoholic beverages during the bearing of a child. Moreover, if a woman is able to overcome her desire, it is better to refrain from taking any type of alcohol during pregnancy. In this case, it definitely will avoid the negative impact on the future baby.