Bleeding in early pregnancy

Pregnancy is a rather complicated process of bearing a child, when a woman undergoes the strongest hormonal and physiological restructuring. Because of this, the body's defenses are weakened, and various failures are possible - nausea, vomiting, allergic rhinitis. However, they bring a woman unpleasant sensations, without affecting the course of pregnancy.

Unfortunately, along with toxicosis, bleeding is not uncommon in the first half of pregnancy. This phenomenon is frequent in the early stages - about a third of future mothers, and does not always talk about pathology. However, sometimes bleeding leads to sad consequences, so such discharge from the genital tract should alert the woman herself, as well as her gynecologist.

Natural bleeding during pregnancy: causes

First, let's look at the causes of natural bleeding in early pregnancy:

  1. Often, women who do not yet know about the newly born within their lives, a few drops of blood from the vagina. Such a small bleeding in the first month of pregnancy occurs during attachment of the fetal egg to the inner shell of the uterus. Some elements of the mucosa in this process are rejected, and there are small discharge of red or brownish-brown color. A woman may also be disturbed by short-term weak pains in the lower abdomen.
  2. The resulting bleeding at 4 weeks of pregnancy also does not always indicate a pathology. This is just the time when a woman usually begins menstruation in a "pre-pregnancy" state. The hormones responsible for maintaining pregnancy interrupt your normal cycle, and a small amount of blood is released. By the way, such allocation can be repeated until the second trimester, and the woman does not know about her situation.
  3. Bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy is possible because of the intensive blood supply to the growing uterus. There is varicose veins, increased erosion of the cervix, polyps in the cervical canal. Usually, these phenomena are not accompanied by pain syndrome, and no treatment is required.

Causes of bleeding in early pregnancy, a threat

However, most often bleeding in early pregnancy indicates the processes that present a real threat to life, both the embryo and the mother.

One of the most critical in this regard is the first two months. Sometimes bleeding occurs on the 5th week of pregnancy. At this time, the hematopoietic system of the embryo is laid. If the mother and the child have an immunoconflict, miscarriage may occur. Appear bloody discharge, similar to the monthly. They are accompanied by aching pain in the lower abdomen. If a woman does not call an ambulance, or if she does not go to a gynecologist, pregnancy is unlikely to be saved. Uterine bleeding during pregnancy will intensify, cramping pain will begin, blood clots will appear - miscarriage already occurs.

The cause of bleeding at 6 weeks gestation may be ectopic attachment of the embryo. This happens when a fetal egg for some reason does not enter the uterine cavity, but remains in the fallopian tube. There is growth and development of the embryo, it is increasing. If this pathology was not found on time in the ultrasound room, the tube breaks, appear spotting. The woman should be immediately hospitalized for the prompt removal of the uterine tube. Otherwise, peritonitis may result, leading to death. Also critical in the first trimester are 7 and 8 weeks.

In any case, bleeding at an early stage of pregnancy, the expectant mother needs hospitalization. A woman is unlikely to be able to independently recognize the secretions that do not pose a threat to her and the fetus. With timely medical assistance, you can avoid miscarriage. Stop bleeding during pregnancy will help reduce the tone of the uterus droppers, hormones, as well as physical and sexual rest.