Can I swim in Ilin Day?

The folk signs clearly state that it is impossible to even dip in water bodies after August 2, but is it worth keeping to this rule, or can one simply ignore it? In order to understand this issue, let's talk a little about the history of the holiday and why you can not swim in Ilin day and after.

Can I swim in Ilin Day?

First, let's talk about what our ancestors thought about this holiday. They believed that it was on this day that the prophet Ilya rode across the sky on horseback, and necessarily drops into the lakes and rivers the horseshoe, which also chills water in them. They also believed that after this holiday in the reservoirs begins to live evil spirits, which can not only send a person a disease, if it is nearby, but also kill him. It was believed that a person who had bathed after August 2 was doomed to be sick, suffer from poverty, not to see prosperity and prosperity in the home. It is worth noting that, as some historians believe, this belief is connected with the fact that it is after August 2 that preparations for harvesting begin in most regions, and the ban on bathing is nothing more than an attempt to attract people to work, rather than entertainment.

Modern people no longer believe that after Ilyin's day you can not swim, many believe that the signs are just a fairy tale, which, perhaps, is interesting to listen to, but it can not be the guide to action. However, scientists hold a slightly different point of view, and this is due to the fact that after August 2, most reservoirs begin to bloom, which means that harmful bacteria and microorganisms begin to multiply actively in them. Of course, this is not strictly on August 3, but, as a rule, in the period from the second to the fifteenth, the water bodies bloom in most regions. Thus, in Ilin day and after it you can swim, only if the pond does not bloom, otherwise the harm to health can be caused more than serious.

By the way, if we talk about sea water, which is often not prone to flowering, then it should be noted that jellyfish and a large number of algae brought from the depths begin to appear in it. Of course, this does not happen in every region, but some resorts even reduce the cost of living and the period of the given month only because not all people like to swim among jellyfish and kelp.

In which case you can swim after Ilyin's day?

The first condition, this is what we have already talked about, that is, the lack of flowering in the pond. But there is one more rule. The fact is that in August the difference in daytime and nighttime air temperature becomes quite significant, which can not but affect the water in lakes and rivers. At night, the water cools and does not always warm up again during the day, so deciding to buy, you just risk overcooling. To avoid such trouble, it is worthwhile to carefully monitor the temperature in the pond, do not swim in the morning or in the morning, when the water is still cooled and not be in the lake or river for more than 20-30 minutes. It is not recommended to even dip into the pond if there are underwater keys in it, in such lakes the water in August, though it seems warm, is actually cold. The risk that you after such a bath will creep with a cold, is very large.

Briefly summarizing, it can be noted that many people's signs , though seemingly completely ridiculous at first glance, are rather precise instructions that can preserve our health and well-being. Of course, believing in the mermaids in the 21st century is probably not entirely reasonable, but to think what natural phenomena forced our ancestors to come up with this or that rule and, for example, to forbid swimming in Ilin day, is still worth it. Although, of course, every person must decide on his own what he will believe in and why.