Is garlic healthy?

People who are interested in the question, whether garlic is useful, you need to know that it is a cure for thousands of diseases. In all countries of the world it is present in national cuisines as a seasoning. They use garlic in cosmetology and in folk medicine. There is even an opinion that it helps the body to fight cancer.

Is pickled garlic useful?

Even after heat treatment in garlic contains such bioactive substances as ajoen and allicin, which contribute to the production of a large amount of hydrogen sulphide in the body. It is also a natural antioxidant. Marinated garlic helps the body fight viral diseases, atherosclerosis and scurvy. It is recommended to use it for the treatment of vascular diseases, for the prevention of heart diseases, for lowering cholesterol in the body.

Is garlic useful for the liver?

On the liver, garlic affects in two ways. First, under his influence, extra fat and cholesterol go out through the bile. Secondly, it prevents the production of excess amount of liver by the liver. This is possible due to the fact that garlic contains enzymes that accelerate the production of fats in the liver.

Is garlic healthy for the body?

Garlic, with its regular use in food, has a positive effect on the work of the digestive tract. It helps to get rid of worms, is effective at poisoning, eliminates fermentation in the stomach. Under its influence, the process of oxidation of "bad cholesterol" is slowed, preventing clogging of the arteries. Garlic also prevents the formation of thrombi, normalizes the work of the heart muscle, lowers blood pressure. It increases the general resistance of the body and immunity , so it is useful for colds.

Is it healthy to eat garlic?

Of natural products, garlic is considered one of the most useful, due to its therapeutic effect on the body and unique properties. Regularly eating it, you can update the body tissues, strengthen health, get rid of many ailments. However, it is necessary to use it as a medicinal product under the supervision of a specialist, since the natural sulphides contained in it can influence the organism negatively, slow down the reaction, cause headaches, and lead to distraction. In acute or chronic diseases of the digestive tract, cardiovascular system, epilepsy, and also during pregnancy and lactation, it is necessary to refuse to eat garlic.