Numerology for 2013

This year is under the influence of the Serpent, a creature that combines wisdom, tranquility and some instability. Therefore, the overall forecast of numerology for 2013 - changeable circumstances that require a delicate approach, intuition and objectivity.

Numerology - universal forecast for 2013

The sum of all the digits of the current year is 6. This is the numerological number characterizing the events in it.

The six symbolizes love, sensitivity, caring for close people and family. In fact, this figure represents altruism , the ability to compassion, to be a humane and responsive person.

Numerology - personal horoscope for 2013

To get the forecast individually for yourself, numerology suggests calculating the personal number of the year. It's very simple, just need to consistently add up the numbers from your date of birth. For example, you were born on December 19, 1970. Then your number in the year of numerology:

If the number is two-digit, you need to add the numbers:

So, your number is 3.

To obtain a personal numerological horoscope, you should add the number of the current year:

So your 2013 personal number is 9

Now it remains only to decipher the resulting figure in accordance with numerology.

  1. Number 1. A successful year for any undertaking, the implementation of bold plans and projects. Despite the possible difficulties, all the goals will be achieved, and only success lies ahead. It is necessary to show full leadership qualities, perseverance and perseverance.
  2. Number 2. A calm year, favorable for the beginning of a love relationship, marriage. It is necessary to learn to give in, to compromise, to respect someone else's opinion. A year will require hard work, including self, but in the end promises to bring the desired results.
  3. Number 3. Emotionally saturated year, requiring the manifestation of creative activity, sensuality and cordiality. Possible new successful acquaintances, which will bring happiness in the future. It is necessary to release internal energy, direct it to self-development and satisfaction of emotional needs.
  4. Number 4. Difficult and very responsible year. This period requires endurance, patience and discretion. It is necessary to show maximum efforts for the formation of a prosperous future, to work hard and to finish everything that has been started. Although the year promises many difficulties, all of them are surmountable.
  5. Number 5. Very rich and favorable year for travelers, creative personalities. There will be a lot of new impressions and useful acquaintances. In addition, there will be a maximum number of chances to achieve the goals. The main thing is to correctly prioritize, deciding what you really need.
  6. Number 6. A stable year, without sudden changes and unexpected events in all spheres of life. It is best to focus on the family and children. The right time for creating comfort and providing comfort in the house, strengthening relationships with distant relatives.
  7. Number 7. A year for rest, contemplation of nature and self-knowledge. No surprises are expected, the financial situation is quite acceptable and permanent. It is advisable to spend time traveling to new countries or interesting places nearby, to direct energy for self-improvement and rethinking of values.
  8. Number 8. Very favorable year in the material plan. Whether it's organizing your own business or investing money - any enterprise will end with success and prosperity. The best time for concluding large long-term deals and attracting investments.
  9. Number 9 . A year for the development of intellectual abilities, learning new specialties, acquiring a profession. If the previous time was spent with maximum benefit and diligence, then past efforts will bring the long-awaited fruit. This applies to both personal relationships and material goods.