Restless legs syndrome - the best ways to eliminate discomfort

Restless legs syndrome is a real problem. RLS is a condition in which unpleasant sensations appear in the lower extremities. As a rule, discomfort occurs in the evenings or at night. To ease his condition, a person has to move or knock with his feet, massage them, which as a result leads to sleep disturbances.

Restless legs syndrome - causes

The problem can be primary (idiopathic) or secondary (symptomatic). Primary restless legs syndrome occurs in more than 50% of cases. The disease develops spontaneously, for no apparent reason. The secondary RLS causes is more obvious and arises against the background:

Restless legs syndrome - symptoms

Manifestations of ailment are always clearly limited in time. In most cases, RLS, restless legs syndrome, reminds of itself in the evening and at night, and the peak of its activity in many patients falls on the interval from 00-00 to 04-00. To start thinking about how to get rid of restless legs syndrome, you should immediately at the sight of such symptoms:

Restless legs syndrome - treatment

First of all, after the diagnosis of RLS, it is necessary to find out whether the patient is taking any medications, and if so, to exclude those that can enhance the symptoms of ailment:

Talking about how to cure restless legs syndrome, experts necessarily recommend not to overexert themselves and avoid excessive physical exertion. Helps ease the diet. Positive results in the problem of aching troubled leg syndrome shows the failure of coffee and other products containing caffeine (such as colas or chocolate, for example). Will not prevent the restriction in alcohol. It is important for recovery and adherence to a healthy regime of the day.

When the disease is restless legs syndrome, treatment at home involves intensive massage or grinding of the limbs before bed, taking hot or vice versa - cold - baths. Some patients are helped by distraction - a stormy discussion of some question, creativity, any brain activity, computer game-strategies.

Tablets from Restless Leg Syndrome

Appointment of medicines should be specialist, based on the cause of the problem. While engaging in medicinal treatment for the diagnosis of restless legs syndrome, it is important to adhere to a number of principles:

  1. You need to start with a minimum dosage. Increasing them should be gradual and continue until the desired effect is achieved.
  2. Before choosing a suitable medicine, you may need to test several different drugs.
  3. Sometimes combining different medications shows a better result than monotherapy.

To combat discomfort, dopaminergic drugs are used - Sinemet, Parlodel, Pergolid. Recently, with the diagnosis of restless legs syndrome, treatment with Mirapex is being prescribed more often. This drug is particularly effective in treating RLS in patients with Parkinson's disease. In addition to the above drugs, the problem is helped to fight:

Treatment of restless legs syndrome with folk remedies

Medicine allows the use of alternative therapy in RLS, but only when it is additional. Traditional medicine offers a simple but effective method of treatment: hour walks in the evenings, then cold 10-minute baths, finger rubbing and light salad or kefir for dinner. Before treating restless legs syndrome with this method, it is best to consult a specialist.

Restless legs syndrome - complications

This diagnosis in itself is unpleasant and delivers a lot of discomfort. If you do not deal with his treatment, idiopathic restless leg syndrome can lead to difficulties in falling asleep, insomnia, nervous breakdowns, neuroses, depression . In some patients, due to pronounced unpleasant symptoms, social and labor disadaptation develops.

Restless legs syndrome during pregnancy

Women in the state often complain about a similar problem. The restless legs syndrome during pregnancy is manifested in the same way - aching or pulling pain in the hips, areas of the legs, feet, ankles. Eliminate the restless legs syndrome in pregnancy will help such a set of measures:

  1. It is recommended to sleep a future mother in a well-ventilated room with an open window.
  2. During the day, a moderate load should be on your feet. Ideal option - leisurely walking.
  3. You can change the sleep mode. For example, go to bed before there is pain, burning, tingling and other symptoms of RLS.